C³ #03 — …Why Is She Naked?

October 15th, 2011


I can understand removing her top, but the bottom too?


I have mixed feelings about this one. Just like last week, they did a very good job with the fight, keeping it well animated and stylish, as well as showing some of Fear’s abilities without explaining each and every single bit (chip on my shoulder is back!). The direction for the rest of the episode was also excellent, something most of this season has been sorely lacking. However, and this is a big however, I really think that they muffed up two major parts of the episode that completely hamstringed it and stopped it from having much impact. First, and most obviously, it’s only episode 3. Nobody is going to buy that Fear is really going to kill herself, and this much melodrama over being a pox upon humanity after an entire episode of antics two weeks prior does mesh well.

Second, it’s a similar problem to the one that plagued LotLH, they aren’t going far enough to actually show that she’s a monster. Fear attacking Haruaki and the class rep were good step towards that, but against Haruaki wasn’t really that convincing since she didn’t do any damage and the other came after the wallowing already began… and neither were brutal or out-of-control enough to really sell all the angsting over it. She’s strong and she lost her temper when her friends were being attacked, but despite how much they try to sell the crazy, she doesn’t really go beyond that. If she had the woman at her complete mercy and then tore off her arm, fine. That would have been much better, but just slicing an arm off seconds after having her own face cut… that doesn’t work so well when you’re trying to show that she’s a berserk, evil psychopath. And of course, the completely surprise ending of Haruaki fishing her out of the water in a dive made of sparklies to tell her he accepts her yada yada yada healed by the power of proximity to a penis. You’ve heard the song and dance before.

So I don’t know what that averages out to. I couldn’t get into the melodrama coming this early and with that weak of a lead-in to it, but maybe your mileage will vary. I still hope they continue on the darker side of this more though as it makes for a far more interesting show than the honestly very generic and fairly dull harem escapades. I guess we’ll see though. I think at this point, the show’s doing enough interesting (if not always right) that I’ll see it through, but I really hope it can get all its ducks in a row. The pieces are definitely there in production, style, and creativity, it just hasn’t quite slotted them together yet.

Posted in C³ | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • EXM says:

    Why does a harem show have more and better action than Guilty Crown, a supposedly pure action show? Also, you gotta admit that while c^3’s melodrama is hard to buy, it’s also because it’s on a tight budget and deadline. As a 13 episode series, if it actually tries to cover the 11 novels out, the pacing is going to be all over the freaking place.

  • Athos says:


    I was hoping I’d get a cap of that pro diving stance of his.

  • The Phantom says:

    This was much better than expected, honestly I was expecting to drop this series by second episode (first episode was generic and boring), but the final half of the second episode was amazing and so was the start of this one, so far this is my favorite show of this season, after majikoi became quickly a boring harem-filler and fate/zero still has to show anything but talking heads.

  • MR.KLAC says:

    oh boy any way to say on ep wonder is this related to Higurashi series due to fear & b-word lady known seiyu been in Higurashi series.

    yea face reactions gore etc yea must be sorta distant relative to Higurashi.