The Adventures That I Have During Filler Weeks
September 27th, 2011
Since this is an off-week, first, I got a crippling toothache which became a root canal by Monday afternoon. Then, while I was ODing on ibuprofen and getting some editing work done, I caught the tail end of the above because I forgot to change the channel. …It is a surprisingly apt summary of the new Thundercats’ first episode though. Then I forgot about it until the middle of class, so after using it to torture some people on IRC, I made lunch. By the time I finished eating, it was apparently on Reddit’s front page. This is what happens when I’m not kept busy. Frankly, I blame a Belgian gypsy curse.
Posted in Terrible Things | 13 Comments »
Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Thanks, Aroduc!