The Adventures That I Have During Filler Weeks

September 27th, 2011

Since this is an off-week, first, I got a crippling toothache which became a root canal by Monday afternoon. Then, while I was ODing on ibuprofen and getting some editing work done, I caught the tail end of the above because I forgot to change the channel. …It is a surprisingly apt summary of the new Thundercats’ first episode though. Then I forgot about it until the middle of class, so after using it to torture some people on IRC, I made lunch. By the time I finished eating, it was apparently on Reddit’s front page. This is what happens when I’m not kept busy. Frankly, I blame a Belgian gypsy curse.

Posted in Terrible Things | 13 Comments »

13 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • mickey says:

    Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while. Thanks, Aroduc!

  • NightShadow2239 says:

    Hahaha its MAD. I love the randomness of it, especially with the narwhals haha.

  • Phocus says:

    Is it wrong if I found this amusing at one point while watching it?

    • Aroduc says:

      It’s both horrifying and humorous at times.
      But mostly, if you substitute “technology” for “internet”, you have an almost exact 2 minute summary of the first (hour long) episode. I think that’s what gets me the most.

      • Arabesque says:

        It really underlines the main problem with the show: the padding. The show is a decent action show when it’s not about the characters being idiots and having random storylines stolen from Moby Dick and anime clichés … too bad that’s makes 80% of the actual show so far.

        • Aroduc says:

          If they just did away with “Lion-O learns a valuable lesson each week”, it would be greatly improved. There’s also been a bizarre amount of concentration on him while every other character is reduced to his cheerleader in one fashion or another.

        • Arabesque says:

          Yeah, it also doesn’t help that most of the time the lessons don’t make much sense in the context of the show. ”So on his quest to find the Book of Omens, Lin-O finds these wood sprites with short life spans and concludes that life is too short to run away all the time … and charges into a hopeless battle that will most likely end up with him and his team dead, forgetting that he was on a quest to save the world hence why he needs the Book, just so he could prove he was brave.” or ”Going to a town of swordsmen, meets this man who constantly trash talks him in order to get the Sword of Omens, and against all logic he accepts the challenge only to lose so he could learn what makes a true swordsman, despite him being shown as a competent swords master up until this episode where it turns out that he’s a novice”

          And yeah, the rest of the cast being overshadowed by him is honestly strange. Tygra in particular is the strangest case, since during the first episode he was all jealous and resentful over Lion-O being a king just because of his blood, while he sees himself as the superior heir … only to now make one or two jokes about it, and be totally okay with the guy being his king, even when he makes stupid decisions.

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh god it really is like the Thundercats remake… that’s pretty sad.

  • JTFish says:

    I’m not dirty Gypsy

  • ark noir says:

    Lobster dog has found another facet to his wide repertoire of tricks

  • Yden says:

    This video really did spread all over.

    • Arabesque says:

      Yeah, it seems like every site I go to, be it comics, movie, blogs, anime etc. is playing this exact same video here. Heck the view count is crazy …

  • Yue says:

    I wasn’t spared, such cruelty.