I Don’t Have Many Friends #00 — Four Minute Setup, Zero Punchline

September 20th, 2011


It’s not hard to see why.

Like some illustrious other shows that shall remain unnamed, this decided to put out a short OVA special with its latest volume prior to the show’s broadcast. In total, it’s 11 minutes long, but only 7.5 minutes of that is actual ‘show’ with the rest being an ED and the additional promo, both included below.


…And of those 7.5 minutes, four and a half are used in basically a montage of the girls frolicking around Generic Male Protagonist #418 with their hips shaking and chests heaving to set up the singular joke that it was just a yaminabe induced delusion. It seems like it was just the other day when I was writing a translation note for possibly one of the stupidest scenes in Eternal Lovers about yaminabe too. It also seems to have every single bizarre character archetype imaginable, from a nun to a maid to a mad scientist, so the main way that it’s setting itself apart from other intellectual shows like… say… Baby Princess is that all the girls wear lipstick. And it’s fairly well animated. Sort of. The direction leaves quite a lot to be desired, framing and camera movement in particular. As does the humor for that matter. As in, it would be nice if the show had any. It’s just five minutes of a gaggle of girls flairing their reproductive organs at Insert-Personality-Here like bonobos and then two minutes of vomiting. Fantastic.

So if this OVA is any indication, it would appear that AIC is taking the totally soulless road once more and hoping that shameless pandering and an Insert-Yourself-Here nonexistent lead will bring them success without having to do anything else. Way to learn from OreImo, guys.


Posted in Anime | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Nightshadow2239 says:

    Man, I really love your sub-titles you put right under the preview pictures. They always make me laugh

  • Pronas says:

    so… its shit?

    • Kaisos says:

      According to Aroduc, everything is shit.

      I, for one, like the manga, and this was just a heavily extended version of the introduction chapter of that. I think the jokes get a lot better, but you certainly won’t find that opinion here.

  • Travis says:

    Well… Huh.

    Out of context, the last Yaminabe shot looks pretty terrifying. In-context, that’s just stupid. If there were a petition to stop stupid cooking ‘gags’ – OH WOW OH WOW


    I hate myself. Anyway, I’ve never understood how one is supposed to imprint themselves on someone with such a blank personality. I realize that’s the draw, but even the blandest people I know end up feeling bland in an expressive way as opposed to that strange, empty feeling that a certain kind o’ protagonist creates.

    • Kaisos says:

      Kodaka really isn’t that awful compared to a lot of other harem protagonists, like, say, Ichika, to use a recent example.

      • Wilfriback says:

        Wrong, Kodaka is as dense as Ichika or Natsura can be. It just he is labeled as “delinquent”… yeahhhhhh like Ryuji from Toradora but then that thing was thrown into the oblivion as usual.

        • Aroduc says:

          Got to love the whole Mary-Sue “I’ve never had any friends, but it’s for reasons completely beyond my control” direct segue into 10 girls rubbing themselves all over him in the span of a week.

        • Travis says:

          “I’ve never had any friends, especially not guuuurllls – but then I used AXE.”

          Kaisos – It’s just an archetype I intensely (and subjectively) dislike; pay me no heed.

        • Bleh says:

          I tried reading through the light novel. Then I tried skimming through the light novel. Quickly. That second option worked better for me.

          Boiled down, none of them have any friends but somehow aren’t friends with each other because they either have cringinly, horrifically shit personalities or are dense as/have the social skills of a flying brick.

        • Kaisos says:

          I’d actually compare Kodaka to Nadesico’s Akito; while he’s certainly interested in girls enough to not have a shitfit when one touches him, none of the girls in the main cast appeal to him at all because, as already mentioned, they’re crazy.

        • Wilfriback says:

          I don’t think so, the fundamental differences between those two is Akito was proactive taking the lead on the events. On the other hand, Kodaka isn’t and is usually dragged by Yozora and Sena antics.

  • Chen says:

    After watching that PV, all I can say is: Bitches be crazy! I think I even saw someone who looks suspiciously like Misa from Death Note.

    …So when will it air?

  • Anonymous says:

    So AIC’s pulling another OreImo? I wonder if they can get that far without the incest overtones?

  • The Phantom says:

    This OVA sucked, I was seriously expecting a major plot twist, in fact I was getting the idea that the main character was delusional all along, that this was his dream and that all those girls probably ignored him in real life, because this seriously was too stupid to be true.

    But no the dream was silly and those girls are seriously and unexplainedly all over him, and this could not be more cliche and retarded even if it tried.

    Perhaps this OVA is meant only for people that are already familiar with this, because for me this was a torture to watch, in fact I’m staying away from the broadcast altogether, not even going to watch episode 1, it was soulless, dull, unfunny, unoriginal and boring for the few minutes that it lasted.