Carnival Phantasm #03-04 — Advanced Harem Management

August 13th, 2011


And that chart is still less complicated that Kagetsu Tohya’s flowchart.


Yeah, I would have definitely preferred this in broadcast form. I still wouldn’t like the Phantasmoon or Backalley Alliance standup sequences much, but they’d at least have 6 days in between each instead of closer to ten minutes. It didn’t help that these two episodes were much weaker than the first two. They were just so mundane in comparison, not to mention contained twice as much of the Backalley Alliance standup. Let’s substitute Sion and Ries for Len and White Len there and then we can talk.

Episode 3 was actually just plain weak all around after the first two. Arcueid wants to go to school to be with Shiki. Then she does. Then she’s bored. And… that’s it. Thankfully, it was only half of episode 3, but it was still five fairly boring minutes. The other half was a little better, but it definitely should have been longer and ended with the entire cast trying to sleep on top of Shirou. Episode 4 was better, again split, this time into Rin battling a DVR and Shiki/Shirou doing advanced math to figure out how to manage their harems without dying. I did chuckle at the Tokimemo bombs though. Both were still weaker than either of the first two episodes though. Still decent, but I hope that doesn’t mean they’re running out of ideas already with 8 more to go.


Posted in Carnival Phantasm | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Longhaul says:

    take two quarts Take-Moon
    gently mix in one quart original material
    add ice and shake well
    serves 4 to 6

  • jingoi says:

    Imagine the results if Shiki/Shirou were learning harem management from Makoto?
    I got to wait for someone to sub this.

  • Nanaya says:

    Ugh, kagetsu tohya was a completionists nightmare. And after beating it, any game with multiple choices seems too weak and easy to figure out.

  • Rude says:

    “Just as calculated!”

  • Rednal says:

    So, basically, they’re animating the “Take Moon” comics, which would actually explain a lot…