Yuruyuri #02 — Lily-Tinted Glasses

July 11th, 2011


I think that’s backwards.


This is what I feared from the Mitsudomoe folks. This episode had barely a fraction of the visual energy and creativity of the first episode. At the same time, Kyouko, the primary driving force behind a lot of the first episode’s humor, was all but absent for the vast majority of the episode. Chitose’s delusions are a poor match for Softenni’s Asuna’s and none of the other characters really picked up any of the slack Kyouoko’s absence left either.

This episode was mainly concerned with introducing the rest of the cast. First up was Kyouko’s rival and her sidekick, a lesbian that turns into a delusional lesbian when she takes her glasses off. It’s kind of hard to tell the difference, but neither of them are anywhere near as amusing as Kyouko. The other pair of new characters are your standard generic rivals that can barely contain their primal lust for each other and must paw at the other’s chests when given the chance. And… that’s all that they are. Aside from their hair styles and colors, I don’t think either has a distinguishing trait otherwise. Well, one has a smaller chest than the other, but as a law of the anime universe, that should go without saying.


Living on your own.

Posted in Yuruyuri | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Aex says:

    Those two rivals just need to hurry up and do it. Ayano was kinda adorable, but I found Chitose’s delusions pretty fun too lol.

  • Chen says:

    So they’re like Milky Holmes’ second tier quartet then.

  • Yue says:

    Nice application of nosebleedz. :=

  • Chen says:

    I’m getting Minami-ke vibes from this, S1, not the awful S2 and 3. The music is exactly the same. I bet they even reused some of it. I like it!