Let’s Go Fever Time!

July 4th, 2011


Twin Angel’s actual broadcast was today, which meant it got an OP, ED, and next ep preview… which contains Misty Knight apparently running out of the girl’s bathroom while a robot hits the school with a wrecking ball. So… uh… yeah. And… uh… I guess it managed the impossible and became slightly more annoying than the pachinko machine’s original song. Don’t even ask me how I know about it. It’s a tale full of woe. Many bothans died to bring me that information. Let’s just leave it at that. Still, it’s weird to hear Noto and Rie singing… well… in the ED. They usual manage to butcher whatever song the producers force them to sing. Strange things are afoot here.

Posted in Twin Thief Angels | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • ~xxx says:

    it feels like watching the OP of Tantei Meilky opera holmes plus pretty cure with fanservice… Bleh.

  • Hexmage says:

    God, those voices are super high-pitched. Like, chipmunk levels of pitch. Surely they can’t make their voices sound like that naturally.

  • Anise_Punter says:

    OP most likely to make me rip out my own eardrums? Perhaps most likely ever.