A Dark Rabbit Has Seven Lives #03 — Double Date

July 22nd, 2011


Oh boy, more exposition!

Ugh. Subs are so annoying. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers and I don’t feel like waiting for a clean copy just to take screencaps. It’s not like I’m watching xxxHOLiC with Chinese closed captions… again.


For how much he goes on about being a genius, Gekkou’s kind of a moron. Surprise, your crazy brother is not dead yet. Also, when the monster that suddenly appeared says "wait, hold on," there’s a chance that it may not actually be there to kill you, but hey, I guess geniuses stab first and ask questions later. And cling to arrogant beliefs in their own awesomeness even while remarking on how nothing feels like it was actually over. Slick work for a genius, dude. I guess it beats Saito having his head eaten, but we’re not setting the bar too terribly high here. Mirai’s artwork may well just qualify her as the most demonstratably intelligent member of the show.

Anyway, boring episode for exposition and general world introduction. It was a little better than Dantalian’s simply because they covered a lot more ground a lot faster, but each individual part was not terribly interesting. There was the school being the crossroads of EVERYTHING, Himea getting kidnapped, experimented on, and locked up by The Man, Mirai and Gekkou’s origin story, and the shockingly surprise dual reveals that Hinata isn’t actually dead and that Himea may have at one point been evil and crazier. A surprise to all, I’m sure. Well, at least it’s now death raining. That’s bound to be an improvement.

Posted in Dark Rabbit | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Jake_W says:

    You didn’t get the nip-slip at 10 secs in?

  • Jack says:

    This show needs fat people.

    • jingoi says:

      Lets bring over Haruyuki from Accel World and hope Himea falls in love with him for no good reason!!
      Better than the usual type of pairing.

    • Anonymous says:

      has ther been a fat guy in anime that was not evil,repulsive or a perv ?