Dog Days #11 — Unlimited Stupidity Works
June 11th, 2011
I am becoming very cross with you, Seven Arcs.
So… apparently the sword was still alive. For approximately two minutes. What the hell? "Sword’s dead, wait no, now it is again." Bloody great. And of course, it only tries to tentacle Yukikaze, none of the little foxes that proceeded to spear it or Brioche. And that is literally about all that happened this week. A revived ‘villain’ that then disappeared again before five minutes of the episode had even passed. The only other thing of note was Milly and Leo reconciling I guess, except that the relationship between the two has barely even been developed in the first place. Then another insert song concert to fill the space until the episode could end on a really dumb ‘cliffhanger,’ if you can even call it that.
I really don’t even know what Seven Arcs is doing with this show anymore. They sort of half-ass their way through the action, then clearly spend time tossing in extra frames to this moronic time-filling concert, but unlike the entire rest of the show, the thing was animated in that ugly "let’s sacrifice artistic quality to make it extra fluid… and by fluid, we mean that people look like jell-o" style, so Milli looked like some kind of poorly defined monster half the time. More frames does not always equal looks better. And then the cliffhanger is Rico getting some report and slinking off into the forest to mope. Clearly it’s not something interesting, like an imminent invasion of demons or we’d be hearing about it. That just leaves something they think is less of a hook than saying nothing at all. Fantastic.
Posted in Dog Days | 5 Comments »
This show went downhill the very second I caught Shinku and pink hair together flipping nude.
Still haven’t watched any ep except for episode 2.