TaigaBun ♥Chuu♥ #02 — Ambiguously Gay Duo

April 9th, 2011


I cannot take this show seriously at all when it pulls stuff like this. Or has its ‘touching’ flashback in the middle of the fight be about how Tiger was saved by the Masked Manboob and taught that his powers were to help people and not a curse. Aaaaaaaaaaand all the stuff I said last week about them saying one thing regarding who is and isn’t competent and showing the exact opposite. Plus the merchandising. If it wants to be a parody, fine. Commit to that. But I’m still laughing at the show so far instead of with it. And I am planning to do a wrapup post, but since there are four more shows beginning next Thursday, I’m waiting until then.

Posted in Tiger & Bunny | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    Has Tiger smashed through a robot’s ass or used a phallic shaped car to capture a terrorist yet?

  • Speedyshadow says:

    i love that NOOOOOooooo clip. Imagine a kid using that after missing out on the latest episode of naruto.

  • Athos says:

    I can’t understand what drives people to become criminals in this city.