Dog Days #02 — HERO KICK!!!!

April 9th, 2011


I knew you’d pull through, Seven Arcs.


Great episode from start to finish, and not just because I had a better idea of what to expect from the show. They pretty much dropped the Takeshi’s castle angle and aside from the announcers and people turning into animal balls, this was a knock down drag out fight from start to finish with Shinku vaulting over things, smacking them in the face, and giant energy blasts everywhere. It certainly wasn’t the best choreographed action that I’ve ever seen, but about 18 straight minutes of it with the explainations happening concurrent to things exploding goes a long way. Leon Hot Pants just made it all the better by dominating the battle field and taking on both Shinku and Greeny… then flirting with them as she left. Hot Pants is awesome. Even her chocobo is awesome.

Nothing really happened on the plot front until the last 15 seconds aside from an explaination of Shinku’s new powers and how they fight, and that’s just that nobody thought the summoning ritual all the way through. Like anybody really thought this was a two way trip… although she did send her dog there without any issues, so who even cares? Shinku is building himself a harem rather quickly too after keeping himself out of everybody’s chest last week, even if it did take a second squeeze to confirm that Eclair is indeed female. It’s certainly not the most creative group around, but if they can keep the future battles like this instead of focusing on the grunts, this show is looking a whole lot better.

Posted in Dog Days | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery




    Goddamnit, Leonmicheli. I cannot handle that much awesome.

  • Anonymous says:

    underrated gem of the season detected

  • Keith Kurogane says:

    Hetero-pairings in a Seven Arcs produced anime?!
    DO WANT!!!

  • Aex says:

    Leon just stole the show with record-breaking speed. She really is just too awesome… and way too hott!

    This show hasn’t been advertised or described as having even romance elements, so I’m curious if it’ll go harem or if princess Millhiore, Eclair, and (maybe) Leon are the only girls that end up wanting Shinku.

    Sidenote: am I the only one that’s kinda hoping for a chocobo fight?

  • TOP2NE1 says:

    It seems like it’d be rather hard to fuck up fight scenes. And this episode was basically a really long one.

    But can it keep the momentum without them? Or will it open itself up to discrepancies and poor dialogue…

    • Aroduc says:

      You’d think, but ‘fight’ scenes in anime are all too often exposition scenes, or worse, 15 seconds of action followed by five minutes of explaining what just happened and how X now has the advantage over Y. It wasn’t impressive action, but it was a lot of it and very little was embarrassingly bad. Of course, by Seven Arcs normal practices, this means that the next three episodes will be… not so good.

      • EXM says:

        Next episode will be about him being depressed about not being able to go home, and therefore looking for a way home. Not sure if anybody is looking forward to that. Not sure why they’d dedicate an entire episode to it either.

      • Anonymous says:

        “Of course, by Seven Arcs normal practices, this means that the next three episodes will be… not so good.”

        This is what I’m dreading, the last two episodes have been awesome and full of energy, I feel like the next will put a damper on things. But I suppose it’ll make the next action episode all the better.

  • Anise_Punter says:

    I have even less of an idea what to make of this show than I did after the first week.

  • Kilich says:

    This show feels like it was made by Gust of atelier series fame.

  • Azul says:

    Come on harem!! Based off the ed looks like the main guy may end up with the dog princess.

  • Yue says:

    Kill Halla with fire = Fried Chicken. ^_^

  • Avisch says:

    Goddamnit Aroduc, now I might have to start watching this consistently.