Sneezing #01 — Hay Fever

March 29th, 2011


I’m not sure what Ganessa’s plan of attack even was.


As with all these fanservice fighting shows, there must be DVD specials. This one is about Bridget having a cold, sneezing while transforming, and it resulting in all of her clothes disappearing, whereupon De Arimasu starts molesting her until Ganessa also strips and… uh… unsuccessfully (or successfully depending on your definition) tries to attack. Good job keeping up the bottom line, ACGT. The way this show so easily slips into gag comedy is almost scary.

Posted in Freezing | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • alex says:

    so a must watch episode

  • Ravage says:

    I must say I am digging this guest appearance by Blinky.

  • foshizzel says:

    LOL this looks interesting lmao xD

  • shadow says:

    the last episode is it ?

  • guest says:

    poor guy

  • shadow says:

    then it is a special or ova ?
    some know the name of it ova or special