Freezing #08 — The Slutty Episode
February 25th, 2011
At least they didn’t go to the beach. Yet.
As expected, this was a pretty moronic throwaway episode. Even the eyecatch sucked. They didn’t even try to keep people in character, even resorting to using Bridg’s "I won’t lose in any fight" as a gag when Drillhair challenged her to a popularity contest. De Arimasu is at least staying relatively fun, backing down as soon as Kazuya told her he was going to the dance with Bridg but still getting off the first shot. Heck, she even settled for dancing with Ol’ Useless Exposition Machine who also didn’t have a date. On that note, you can tell how invested I am in these characters by how well I remember their names.
Of course, this show being what it is, the beauty contest entailed all the girls dressing as sluttily as possible and Bridg winning on the power of the plot device. The previous winner’s sole contribution to the show was swimming around naked at the start after posing in a dress that didn’t contain her nipples so much as accentuate them. After losing, Drillhead talked some girls into making Bridg wear her ceremonial gown that went transparent in the light, Kazuya used his power to freeze the entire school and they ran off together. So… yeah, the less said about this one, the better.
Don’t we have enough characters yet?
Posted in Freezing | 13 Comments »
Between this and gosick, I feel the urge to read something with a deeply-written quality plot, like kanokon or something.
…I’m not really sure how much damage these series have caused to my sense of scale lately.