A Certain Magical Index II #20 — Magical Dodgeball
February 25th, 2011
You have a warhammer. Hit someone with it.
Eh, it was okay I guess, but the lack of any real buildup or meaning to Touma’s side of things is undercutting it and the fact that Accelerator spent most of his side torturing nameless generic SWAT members by throwing wrenches at them is undercutting his side. Add to that the problem that barely anything happened this episode and mix in some random completely inappropriate gag humor from Kuroko at random times and… well… here we are. At least Accelerator managed to ditch his mascot character for the fights. Touma’s still working on crafting a papoose so he can carry around LO since she’s apparently incapable of walking on her own anymore.
I was expecting a lot better from Vento too. She hits her tongue-cross with her warhammer to send slow moving energy balls flying. And she spontaneously starts coughing up blood when Touma even so much as thinks about fighting back, which takes him a surprisingly long time considering her attempts to go after LO and threaten hostages. The slow moving energy balls were bad enough, but the sudden "Oops, something else is happening, gotta run off now" bit was just clumsy. Do not toss in deus ex machina to obtrusively and artificially put off a fight that already has little actual purpose other than give Touma somebody to punch to begin with. At least she managed to blurt out her mission in between slow-pitching magical balls in Touma’s general direction once every thirty seconds or so.
Send in the clones.
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“Oops, something else is happening, gotta run off now”
You know? She got away because of that “spontaneus” blood coughing.