Samurai Girls Special #03 — Fishing For Funbags

January 25th, 2011


Another dull Tuesday saved thanks to random breasts.


Ah, the DVD release week. Samurai Girls, MM, and… Campanella, all gracing us with T&A, some more disturbing than others. I have no idea why AIC suddenly got it into their heads to start using CG animated girls in random things, but that is one bloody terrifying uncanny valley.

*ahem* So the latest in the highly intellectual Samurai Girls DVD specials has Naoe going after the show’s other imbecile with a fishing rod and systematically stripping the rest of the cast instead. There wasn’t even any sun lotion rubbing for Sen and Hanzou. What a gyp. Sen is suspiciously unaware that she’s been stripped though. Maybe she’s just used to her clothes disappearing around lesbian ninjas.


Posted in Samurai Girls | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Deviant says:

    WTF!? lol. when in doubt! pull a beach episode!

  • Wilfriback says:

    Poor Muneakira?
    It can be helped.

    P.S.: I loled with the censorship XD.