Infinite Stratos #04 — Stealing Your Breath While You Sleep

January 27th, 2011


She really is just like a cat.


It’s impossible for me to take Lingyin seriously in her IS suit. It’s the little half-tie. It just… It just looks ridiculous. Like she should be waiting tables at Japanese Hooters. Once Kurogane showed up, she did regress a little bit into blushing and squirming around in Ichika’s grip. I have no idea if that’s actually its name, but I think the first black mech in all shows is required by law to be named Kurogane. It’s not cute when you’re in a 20 foot exosuit with a giant double glaive. One would also think that a state-of-the-art military academy that effectively houses dozens and dozens and dozens of weapons of mass destruction (if not hundreds if every single student has their own IS) would have a little more defense against attacks than… none.

It was still a pretty fun episode from start to finish with pretty much constant action until Ichika ran straight into a beam using the power of only the density of his skull. I do wish that Lingyin were differentiating herself a little more from Houki other than being slightly more emotional and squeaky, but maybe now that they’re actually interacting with each other, they’ll be able to play up the slight differences a little bit better. Ichika shield meter does still annoy me though because it’s a painfully obtrusive plot device. Let’s also not read too much into Lingyin ‘giving it’ to Ichika from behind, making his ‘sword’ grow. I wouldn’t be able to stop if I started getting Freudian with this show.


A boy? Who do you think that you’re fooling?

Posted in Infinite Stratos | 14 Comments »

14 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Skew says:

    >Let’s also not read too much into Lingyin ‘giving it’ to Ichika from behind, making his ‘sword’ grow. I wouldn’t be able to stop if I started getting Freudian with this show.

    Marry me.

  • Anonymous says:

    This show continues to be awesome.

  • Dual says:

    Reverse trap time? Reverse trap time

  • RaiKitsune says:

    Is that your first marriage proposal aruduc?

  • asd says:

    Best anime of Mecha

  • Should I be flattered? w

  • Amyable says:

    Haha, based on the ED Rin is now an official harem member. Not that that was ever in doubt.

    Hopefully in the last episode we find out where the heck they’re running to in the ED.

  • Aex says:

    So the match was pointless, but we just got a big kick in the direction of Houki’s sister being the main enemy. Oh, and they’re all probably gonna form some kind of squad or whatever Chifuyu was talking about with Cecilia. Not bad, and I really can’t get enough of Cecilia!

  • Yamibakeru says:

    Did he win? Please don’t tell me he lost due to some stupid plot device again!

  • bigboy says:

    you know this story is quite good as it folos the novel and with a bit of extra bits.

    just a spoiler…. the new person is a chick pretends to be a boy and later joins Roxa’s Harem of girls…

  • Nanaya says:

    You know, I was thinking about why he is supposedly special by being able to pilot an IS. Then I remembered biology class last semester; there are cases where someone is genetically one gender but a chromosome/gene expression goes wrong and they end up physically being the other. As in, women who are actually men, genetically speaking — they have an X and Y chromosome — but their genes accidently deal with estrogen instead of testosterone, and vice versa (men who are genetically supposed to be women).

    People in that situation are infertile if I remember correctly, so maybe he should get a fertility and DNA test. That would explain everything and take up 2 episodes worth of talking heads and angsty drama.

  • chad001 says:

    …Just watched the sub: “We promised not to make head-starts until Ichika-san woke up!”


    They self-manage, and OFF-SCREEN too! So no angsty drama about polygamy or competition! THAT IS AWESOME.

  • The Phantom says:

    Lol at the self-managed harem, awesome show is awesome.