Freezing #04 — Fun Facts About Germany’s Drinking Age

January 28th, 2011


This show has the best eyecatches.


I’m actually starting to warm up to this show a lot. I hesitate to say that it’s because it’s doing a ton really well, but would rather say that it’s not doing a whole ton wrong, and what it does screw up (mainly Kazuya) is so terrible that it’s still amusing. That said, this episode was very good at keeping the technobabble to a minimum and about two thirds of the episode was Bridget’s fight with Ingrid. They also did a really good job with the music at the end when Ganessa popped up out of nowhere to explain Ingrid complex about first year’s getting in over their heads and getting her best friend chopped in half. Bridget kind of deserved a beat down this episode too. Ingrid wasn’t being very nice about it, but attacking someone in their underwear in the middle of the night? That’s low.

Of course, Kazuya then ruined the scene by using his deus ex magic abilities to overpower her and tell her what her dead friend really wanted, but here I am mocking him for it and we’ve come full circle back to at least some form of entertaining again. He ruins a lot of things. The way he just walks into a girl’s room and immediately makes a beeline for her diary says something very unwholesome about his upbringing… above and beyond the fact that he seems to have no memories of his sister wearing clothes. Kazuya also had a hilarious scene when he interrupted them and told Bridg he’d be her Limiter again. Every single pair of ovaries within a 50 foot radius started blushing and stammering. I’d be mad at the wildly seesawing tone in the show if it wasn’t so damn funny to laugh at. Bridget also easily broke double digits with her lines finally. I lost count at around 20, but she may have reached upwards of 30, bringing her season total to I think 35.


Sometimes you have pants, sometimes you’re naked staring up at a mountain for no reason.

Posted in Freezing | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    your summaries are more amusing than the actual series

  • Keith 'Azure Grimoire' Kurogane says:

    ^I agree…
    @Aroduc: Curious question though…
    Why are you not reviewing Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica?
    Its not you’re usual Magical Girl show… (well… on episode 3… and onwards I think…)

    • EXM says:

      He has a bone to pick with Shinbo and his budget-saving techniques.

      • Aroduc says:

        That and a few other things. The show’s moving at a glacial pace with about 18 wasted minutes a week. Usually shows spin their wheels and go nowhere. I don’t feel like it’s even trying to get that far most of the time. Almost all of the ‘interesting’ parts rely on the magical girl label without actually trying to subvert it in any way except to use the word a lot. People seem content to ignore everything that the characters say in the show about the setting or how much life sucks or how evil QB is in favor of falling back on “they said it’s magical girls, so it must be a magicla girl show.” Strip away that and it’s really just another devil’s contract story without any major twists yet. Nice music at least.

  • chad001 says:

    …Yup, this episode proves it, they adapted the anime to star on Satellizer and fanservice more. Any scene where Kazuya is important or badass, is either cut out, or hampered by his pussy voice-actor. In this fight, a lot of Kazuya’s development and badassery were shown, but in this anime episode, they cut it out, seriously, read the manga, this anime is an example of Adaptation decay of the highest kind…

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t think ARMS knows how to make a strong male protagonist, even when they’re given written instructions.

  • fires says:

    i really couldn’t believe it when he went into her room without permission than seriously thought about reading her diary. like i needed another reason to hate the guy.