Blah Blah Blah Brother Blah Blah #01 — O_O
January 8th, 2011
The eyes have it.
Sigh. Zexcs. What are we going to do with you? Let’s start with the good and work our way down. The facial expressions really sell a lot of the episode and they work for the most part. They’re simple, but they work well with the gags. Aside from the slow start, the humor is mostly pretty good too. Nao’s committed to the fantasy of having an incestuous relationship, not the reality of it, and like our sex-crazed Yamada, has bizarre overwrought plans for a longterm seduction of her brother, right down to how long she’ll flash her panties for him. For example, her first reaction upon learning that she was adopted is despair that she wouldn’t be disowned if she was caught in bed with her brother. The music was also about 50% polka. I’m going to go ahead and mark that off in the ‘pros’ category, even if I’m not quite sure why.
Now on to the rest. The show’s cheap as hell. The initial segment was just miserable in almost every way. It did get slightly better in the later going, but the first two or three minutes were simply embarrassingly underproduced. The T&A is mostly restricted to Nao’s giant pantied ass jutting against the screen at the most random of times. That’s… well… it’s rather unfortunate for all involved. A lot of the jokes don’t quite make it far enough either to bypass creepy and make it to funny either. The intro segment is a very good example of that, as is the obligatory underwear sniffing. Nao shouldn’t be smelling her brother’s dirty clothes, she should be wearing them on her head like Pantsman.
All in all, my opinion’s mixed so far. I think I spent about an equal amount of time cringing as I did chuckling. It’s not as horrible as one would expect and enough of the jokes hit their mark to make it passable, but thus far, it hasn’t extricated itself from its honestly exceedingly poor premise either. Zexcs does continue to be the masters of weird censoring at least. While it’s no claymation, giant baby penguins blocking out 90% of the screen does come close.
Posted in I Don't Like My Brother! | 17 Comments »
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