A Certain Magical Index II #16 — Girls With Plates
January 28th, 2011
Thanks, Kaori, we needed that.
You know, usually when shows skip their OP and ED, it’s because the episode is going to be super extra double ultra hyper mega tension heaven’s impact dramatic, not because they need a few extra minutes to show a girl holding a plate over her head and had to cram in a speech explaining the point to the arc. Bizarrely, this ended up being the least enjoyable episode of this arc for me. The villain and his spells were lame, the explaination of his evil evil plan was shoehorned in literally a minute or two before Touma arrived to punch him in the face and chest, and the ice golem things were just plain ridiculous. Seriously. After appearing, the first thing one did after appearing was comically try and fail to go through a doorway because it was holding a spear sideways. Plus, remember how I was complaining about Touma not randomly disintegrating parts of the ship last week? Well this week, he apparently could. Way to be consistent.
The action wasn’t really up to snuff either. It looked okay in parts, but any one of the Oriana matches was far better. Biaggo’s spells seemed limited to making small crosses large (destroyed by touching them), making small crosses move fast (an attack that worked 100% of the time!), and smashing people with pressure/gravity (an attack defeated by Touma holding his hand above his head from thirty feet away). He also had extendo-crosses that like all of his effective attacks, he only used once. They must have had quite the sale on gimmicky crosses at the old Vatican flea market that weekend. I’m also pretty sure that he got ripped off if Touma was able to deflect one of his giant crosses with his left hand too. What are they made of, foam?
"Misaka thinks that Misaka could use some vagisil."
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Thats the flagship, which only seems to have golems as guards and no people inside it. So it needs the the fleet to protect itself.