Heaven’s Lost Property Æ’ #11 — Chaos Hit Things, Go Boom

December 10th, 2010


Didn’t she have a whole host of other powers? What ever happened to those?


This was certainly awkwardly put together. Did they just decide to drop Ikaros losing her memory at the end? One would think after the cliffhanger and harping on it for half the episode, they would have bothered to address it. Also, apparently Ikaros didn’t even mean to initiate the deletion, which makes that entire development all the more transparently machinated. Plus, they decided to show that Chaos was misguided and had hope for redemption yet… and then immediately sealed her up with deus ex dealybobber. "This feeling… it’s warm… Oh, now I’m dead." I’m getting mixed messages here.

I’m sure I’m coming off far more negative about this than I really feel, but almost every major part of this show kind of got tossed in the woodchipper this episode in thinly veiled attempt to wrap up every single development this season in approximately five minutes. What came out was a fragmented mess without even any nice action scenes to make up for it. Hell, a lot of the faces were off-model this week too, which is rare for this show. This fight was far less animated and interesting than the last one against Chaos. She apparently got stupider at the bottom of the sea… or was watching too much Index as well… because the big finishing blow was her trying and failing to punch Astraea’s shield. After both of them were hacked by Nymph. Who gained super magical powers from Tomoki ordering her to not die. After ten episodes of Nymph feeling sorry for herself, I expected a lot better than a half-assed line like that and then her turning into an ubergod and instantly winning the day. Le sigh. I miss Tomoki’s heart bell.

Posted in Heaven's Lost Property | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Walter says:

    This is what happens when the studio decides on a anime-only story: incoherent story and cheesy fight.

  • qwertz says:

    I don’t get it.
    Why do anime shows always screw up in the essential parts?

    What’s with that crappy way of Nymph getting her wings back? Why not doing it like in the manga?
    What’s up with those boring fight animations?

    Don’t they understand that the anime will get more popular if done correctly and thus will rake in more cash?

    I really enjoyed it up until now. :(

  • Twi says:

    Even funnier, Chaos just reappeared in the manga. And she’s even more terrifying.

  • Mesousa says:

    Where the hell did Tomoki come from at the end?! If that isn’t shoehorning a male lead in a scene he shouldn’t be in, I don’t know what is.

  • Takebou says:

    Now you know we won’t get Hiyori.

    It just won’t happen.

  • Harbin says:

    Whyyy AIC ASTA, why did you have to mess it up sooo bad

  • Takebou says:

    I blame the decision to make it a twelve episode person season series.

  • Nanaya says:

    This has to be the first time someone with some sort of control ability ordering to “not die!” hasn’t ended horribly depressing.

  • Kaisos says:

    I somehow think I should just give up and drop this show, and read the manga instead.

    Hell, I’ll go do that now.

    • AfroSquirrel says:

      Excellent choice.

      Once you’ve caught up with SnO, you could also try one of the author’s earlier series, Watashi no Messiah-sama.

  • Zilla says:

    This show was doing alright until it decided to start making up its own plot.

    …unless this is how this arc will play out in the manga as well, in which case I will be very disappointed.

  • Dual says:

    When the existence of a third season is not certain the creation of an original ending is better than leaving the anime in ambiguity forever. And this happens all the time with ongoing light novels and manga.

    All in all, it was a decent episode.

  • Keith 'Azure Grimoire' Kurogane says:

    Seriously… they screwed this episode bad…
    Haiz… bad studio is bad..

  • Anonymous says:

    They will begin season 3 with the introduction of Hiyori and her later death.

  • Anise_Punter says:

    Any character with large breasts sounding like Aki Toyosaki just results in a case of “wait, that totally doesn’t fit the character”.

    Definitely disappointed they didn’t go with the manga thing with Siren, but it’s still better than putting up with Kirinos every week.

  • Anonymous says:

    Was I the only one surprised in Chaos’ breast size?