Detective Opera Milky Holmes #10 — Schadenfreude

December 9th, 2010


I feel like I’ve overanalyzed this.


The draw of this show is not its drama or plot, so it’s definitely seen better days. Still funnier than most of the ‘comedies’ airing this season, but I’m putting most of that on Twenty. It would have also helped things a lot if there was a little more focus. I know that it seems a contrardiction of terms for this show, but the first half in particular seems like it had two or three writers and none of them communicating. For example, through the first half, they kept showing Hercule trying to study for the test but the others stopping her in another one of their delusions about how to get their toys back. Then that was just forgotten. Poof. Nada. Chekhov’s gun, people. If you introduce an element early in the story, it must be for a reason. Either the failed test (both students and detectives) or Arsene’s gang’s backstory could have easily carried the episode on its own, but it blipped back and forth between the two completely seperate things constantly.

Meanwhile, Arsene’s gang got their origin story as a shared hallucination from her Toy involving her hair, legs beauty, and breasts. And finally, the show ended with Sherl whipping out C4, which unlike their numerous past screwups, made Kokoro snap and yell at them that they’re in the way, and Henriette not only expel them, but torch their room. I like schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but after everything else they’ve done, this feels arbitrary at best. The C4 in particular… introduced as a gag, but then suddenly… Drama! Loud noises! There was still comedy present, and Twenty was the star player as usual, particularly with the test of what was written on his nipples, but this reminds me of the clumsy and awkward initial episodes where it tried to have its cake with plot and gags and eat it too. And if there’s one thing Milky Holmes needs to really be a solid show, it’s for the cast to be starving.




Working the streets.


Posted in Milky Holmes | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • alex says:
    I’m curious how did they managed to sell this boring moe shit that everyone is so exited about it and talking about jokes where aren’t any ??

    • Aroduc says:

      Really dedicated to this, aren’t you?

      • alex says:

        I just don’t get it why people say things about jokes but it’s so damn boring. What I saw was just boring moe crap and no jokes. It’s not hard to understand why people love A Certain Squid but this show ..?

      • Solaris says:

        Well, dear Alex, you blabber about moe crap, but despite that you’re enjoying Oreimo that’s made expecially to feed on moe crap… i really don’t get you.

    • otanga says:

      Boring moe shit??? That would be Kon… Now… STFU!!

  • OneSin says:

    another enjoyable episode

    i love it whenever twenty is on screen , it never gets old.

  • Solaris says:

    … they kept showing Cordelia trying to study for the test …
    By the way, wasn’t Helly the one trying to study?

  • DmonHiro says:

    Uhm… what the hell is up with Arsene’s physical power? First she embeds her flower in the wall, then she crushes an iron tower? Wasn’t her toy of illusions?