Heaven’s Lost Property Æ’ #07 — Love Love LOVE LOVE LOVE
November 12th, 2010
Actually, aren’t those the lyrics to some boy band song?
Looks like we’re getting into serious time. Or at least it would be if they didn’t cut off the cliffhanger of Chaos strangling Nymph while shouting about love like a psychopath with salsa. Just cut the bloody ED entirely instead of trying to wedge a cool island song to melt Chaos’ hot heart in there. They could have also done a much better job with the ‘Tomoki’ and Nymph scene if they had let there been at least a shred of doubt that it wasn’t actually Tomoki. Instead, they had his eyes covered and grinning like he had a collection of severed cat heads in his pants the entire time, just for Chaos to unsubtly reveal herself. If they wanted us to feel the same gut punch that Nymph did, then it shouldn’t have been painfully obvious that it was never Tomoki at all. The mouth laser was also very very silly.
Nothing too exciting with the rest. Astraea and Nymph ate Ikaros’s watermelons and spawned a plant beast that ate Tomoki, then Astraea taunted Nymph for being wingless. Great work, Delta. Sugata had the only decent jokes of the episode, but now he’s trapped with the roaming deus ex machina. I would have rather had 10 minutes of his Wil E Coyote antics with the harpies than the watermelon bit. I can already imagine him laying out corn with birdshot in it as some kind of crazy magnet scheme. Or maybe rocket skates… What was this show about again? Oh yeah, insane little nuns screaming about love. Right.
Posted in Heaven's Lost Property | 18 Comments »
That’s a warm island song to melt Chaos’ icy heart, I think. Or is it a fresh island song to make me want to throttle whoever’s idea it was to cast Yuka Iguchi in this?