Detective Opera Milky Holmes #08 — Sickness and Health

November 25th, 2010


Poor Stone River can’t even get it up.


Back to chaos this week. It starts out with the girls being sick. That lasts about five minutes until Henriette gets sick nursing them back to health, so they have to take care of her. Until Sherl whips up some kind of horrific concoction that makes Henriette’s toy go berserk and sucks them into a Momotarou parody for the rest of the episode. Oh yeah, and they also discovered that Henriette is a ‘cosplay fanatic’ because she has an Arsene costume. Personally, I’d have put her in the cheerleader outfit, not the Arsene one. Although do notice how practiced Cordelia is at stripping other women and how ready and willing she is to do it too. Either she learned a lot from Twenty from her time in the coffin, or there’s something this show isn’t quite telling us.

Speaking of Twenty, he spent the whole episode running around in the background, icing his nipples and otherwise being a hazard, but stealing the show again. He even took boob missiles for the girls this week. That’s… Actually, I’m not sure what that is. I think even Arsene’s boob missiles would have popped when colliding with his nipples of Longinus. So, yeah, Glowing nipples, faceplants into Henriette’s breasts, boob missiles, and what basically amounted to a shared hallucinogenic drug trip. Just another week in the Milky Holmesverse.


Ghost stories.

Posted in Milky Holmes | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • alex says:

    Maybe I would watch this boring show again if Megurine Luka would be the main character instead of being just a background character.

    Looks like this is the new strategy how to sell moe – make a totally boring show even with bad animation with as little money as possible and just make it look like a parody – if it works with Panty/Stocking then why not with moe


  • DmonHiro says:

    Wasn’t Aresene… the bad guy? Just saying…

    • Silver says:

      At the same time, isn’t Milky Homes the good guys? Why is Aresene trying to help them so much. That makes it even more confusing at what her motives are. Perhaps Cordelia amazing ability to strip peoples were all planned.

  • Mesousa says:

    They all deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead.