Detective Opera Milky Holmes #06 — The Princess and the Pinhead

November 11th, 2010


Pi holds all the answers.


I suppose it was better than last week’s episode, but still relatively weak in comparison to most of the rest. The energy level for this episode was just way waaaaaaaaaaay too high. Bad memories of KKN come back, but this was the entire cast, including Henriette’s now-inflated glue boobs that apparently suck people in and never let go. This episode, we got Claris, a rich Sherlock look-alike and a Prince and the Pauper story involving her and Sherl switching because she wanted to run away from her arranged marriage to a masochist cat-ear maid fetish freak. Who was actually in love with her very old attendant. So, uh… yeah.

I do kind of hope that Sherlock keeps the horsewhip and her newfound love for casual sadism, but otherwise, most of the episode was just being really really fast and really really noisy. It was simply exhausting just to watch it. I do feel a little bad for saying it because energy is what most comedies typically lack, or handle very poorly with the random scream to let you know that a joke has been made, but they really overshot the mark here. By the time I finished chuckling at one joke, they had already gone through two or three more. There was still plenty to laugh at this week, especially compared to last, but the show’s comedic timing and delivery have definitely seen better days.

Plus, no Twenty Twenty’s body pillow! What’s up with that?


Beach and bikins.

Posted in Milky Holmes | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • This episode must’ve been bad enough that we all missed Twenty’s body pillow.

  • Anise_Punter says:

    Episode of the season, category: all shows. I think there was only no Twenty because I could not have taken that much awesomeness.

  • Taka says:

    I like how the princess isn’t even dramatically more intelligent than Sheryl. She just knows Pi to 2 decimal places.

  • alex says:

    “By the time I finished chuckling at one joke, they had already gone through two or three more.”

    What jokes are you talking about ?
    There are just 2-3 lame jokes in the ep., no it the whole show so far.
    I appreciate mostly your reviews but this shit is even more boring than OreImo.