Samurai Girls #05 — Sen Gets It In The Face
October 31st, 2010
At least she had a water pistol.
Kind of a lame episode which somehow leaves Milky Holmes’ bears mauling little girls as the most enjoyable episode of the week. That’s… disturbing to think about. Plus, after OreImo being awful, I came into it sick and annoyed with "be true to yourself" morality messages. And the other strike is that Naoe Kanetsugu is really irritating. She’s a love and justice freak being manipulated by Sen’s brother to go make trouble, but is completely and utterly incompetent in every way, which just begs the question as to why anybody would send her to do anything. She can’t even beat unpowered Yukimura. Uneven footing defeats Yukimura. And in the end, she just ran off anyway, so the sum and total of this episode was "Sen kisss Muneakira."
I was hoping we’d get to see Muneakira finally live up to his claims of being a decent fighter too, but no. He just sat there and took it from Naoe to try to not hurt Yukimura’s feelings. The combination of Naoe being a justice freak and the deadpan preparation of the rest for mass destruction did make me think of Slayers for a moment and smile, but then I remembered Revolution/Evolution-R and got depressed. Fill in the the rest of the episode with some flat chest jokes, Jubei pretending to be a food based transforming hero, and a Sen sex daydream ending with Jubei spaying her in the chops, and that’s a wrap. Real subtle, ARMS.
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Is this Negima in disguise?