Heaven’s Lost Property Æ’ #02 — Death By Snoosnoo
October 8th, 2010
Obey the big computer in the sky.
Not as good as the first episode, but still decent. There was just entirely way too much spent on Astraea moaning and what basically amounted to an image dump of her in cheesecake shots. I think if you put them all together, about ten percent of this episode would just be stills of Astraea cosplaying various things. All the plot got dumped at the start and end. She’s strong, but an idiot, and then after crashing (figuratively and literally), she proceeded to literally spew out the plot for this season. Yada yada, the big computer in the sky says Tomoki is evil because… magic. FEMBOT SAYS HE MUST DIE.
The sequence in the middle with all his haremettes interacting with him whilst he was burying his porn was probably the best part of the episode. The Nymph gag about her breasts never getting bigger was predictible, but it can’t stand against lasers and Sohara rocking a sweater. Sweaters are vastly underappreciated when it comes to attractiveness. *ahem* I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t do more with Tomoki’s erection aesthetic training or sexual awakening that it’s okay to be attracted to anything with enough womanly parts (let’s not go there). That could have been a gold mine, but instead, it was just used to show Astraea’s nuclear powered butt. I think I preferred the steam method of censoring to the recent crop of incredibly shiny crotches or completely blacked out screens. You’re not fooling anybody here, AIC. I guess they’ve got to sell DVDs somehow.
Posted in Heaven's Lost Property | 10 Comments »
Oh thank God the one from the first ep wasn’t the opening for the whole season!!