Detective Opera Milky Holmes #04 — Dances With Lemmings
October 28th, 2010
I’m somewhat amazed that they did this without a single banana/phallus joke.
There’s a lot to be said for a show where violence is the first resort. Especially when the show is populated with almost nothing but little girls and a stripper who sleeps with a hug pillow of himself. Sherl’s encounters with the bear were hilarious. It’s a good thing too because this episode had almost none of Arsene’s gang hanging around and they’ve been a lot of the humor in past episodes. Sherl stepped it up this week, and JC Staff did a great job overplaying her ditziness. There was another Toys activation, but since it followed her marching with lemmings off a cliff, I’m not sure it counts for much.
I will say that I didn’t really care much for the new girl, Airin, and Kokoro is still pretty irritating. I enjoyed Airin knocking Kokoro out and stuffing her in a trunk at the end. A couple of the jokes with them worked, like Sherl and Kokoro suddenly getting angsty over whining at Airin, then realizing she’s been holding food out on them the whole time, but for the most part, they were just the same tired jokes about Kokoro being ‘little’ with Airin being the ‘big sister.’ Yawn. Little by little though, the main cast is actually winning me over here. I’m not sure yet if it’s because they’re pathetically funny in their mad ceiling crawling banana crazes, or if it’s because they sell violence against themselves really well yet, but they’re getting there. The show’s definitely got a lot of energy that is typically sadly absent from certain other things that rely on endless talking heads or people screaming to make their jokes. Plus, you can’t look down on someone who was uppercutted by a bear three times, eaten, headbutted, and still comes out of it with a smile, craving for bananas, and for some reason, bleeding bright pink.
If you’re wondering about the random clips, it’s because there’s not enough time to get anything accomplished between this and Legend, but enough space that I get bored if I do nothing. It’s kind of fun though. Maybe I’ll make a habit of it.
Twenty, that’s either genius, or terrifying.
Posted in Milky Holmes | 7 Comments »
Nausicaa parody out of nowhere? I think it’s time I started watching this show.