Shiki #10 — Chronological Wang Dang Doodle
September 9th, 2010
I suspect Shiki’s writers mixed up the script pages and just said "screw it."
Man, talk about backsliding. Why is it that for both undead shows this season, I hope that everybody dies? This was basically a mess of godawful writing decisions with the only interesting thing being Natsuno getting bitten at the end. The first half was full of time jumps every 5-15 seconds to try to hide the fact that they were showing next to nothing new and were spitting out a massive amount of recycled footage. It didn’t help when they popped up the date marker, then slowly faded it from one to another so it spent more time on the wrong one than it did on the right one. The whole thing was needlessly confusing and frankly, irritating. I’m glad that they’re trying something to liven the show up, but that was moronic and the way they handled it made it worse. I don’t even want to talk about all the build-up to the girl waiting in Natsuno’s room, just for her to wander off.
The second half settled down and was a little better, but Natsuno ruined it by being a complete twit. "There’s undead wandering around my room, this seems like a good time for a flashback about my life. Wait a minute, was that Tohru’s voice? Oh man, I love Tohru. I know he’s dead, but man, if it’s Tohru, I better open the window and run out into the vampire filled wilderness to find him. I cannot possibly see how this can go wrong." Seriously. They need to import, I don’t know… Lyner or Shirou to inject some badly needed brainpower into this show. It is simply frustrating to watch characters act so abjectly stupid all the bloody time. Especially when the writers turn around and try to sell them as the keen go-getter mystery solvers of the series.
She must just be yawning.
Posted in Shiki | 9 Comments »
THIS is epic
just who is the vampire now?
never know that this anime has a preview