The Legend of the Legendary Heroes #09 — Magical Gizmos R Us

August 26th, 2010


A magical comb? Seriously?


Something of an awkwardly paced episode due to the flashbacks bookending it. It was still decent and better than anything Sion ever gave this show, but it should have been a lot better. I like that they teased part of it within Lyner’s flashbacks before actually showing it, but Lyner’s tragic past is nothing new and adding on yet another edition of him killing evil knights and being called a monster for it is starting to feel redundant. I also was not a fan of Sui conveniently having something that just happens to make Alpha Stigmas go berserk. He did redeem himself somewhat by biting off his own arm and then cauterizing the wound with his other more dragony arm. Badass and showed some medical knowledge, good work.

The fight between them could have and should have been a lot longer and more interesting though. The initial little thirty second skirmish was well done, but then it devolved into Sui cataloging all his Rule Fragme before using the deus ex pebble to send Lyner into berserker rage. Would it really have been so bad if they had just beat up on Lyner and Ferris a little more instead of hauling out plot devices? It could also help if they had better examples of why the Alpha Stigma users are monsters. So far we’ve only seen Lyner, and he’s just been killing people who set small children on fire for the hell of it. You’re not doing a very good job of selling Alpha Stigma = Evil here, Zexcs.


Berserk Lyner.

Posted in Legend^2 | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Owaranai says:

    Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s starting to feel like the story isn’t the problem. It’s the delivery done by ZEXCS. Something tells me that there’s more than meets the eye in the thoughts and emotions of child Ryner and his past, but either the TV media is unable to deliver this (there’s only so much TV media can do before it bores viewers with descriptions of how characters feel), or ZEXCS simply doesn’t know how to do it for that point in the flashback.

    I don’t see too much problem with a magic comb, though. Fight definitely could have lasted longer and been better, but perhaps the emphasis was more on Ryner’s Alpha Stigma and his berserk mode, which hopefully leads to more development on plot and character next episode – provided ZEXCS delivers it well enough.

  • sora says:

    I like to think of it like this: You have to huge story that u must tell in 26 episodes so you have to pick and choose your battles (aka what parts you want to show) in hopes that it will make sense to viewers. In ZEXCS case, they are picking losing battles sometimes and thus it lacks emotion and momentum :/

    I cant wait for the next episode though!!! Ferris vs. Lyner!!!