The Legend of the Legendary Heroes #08 — War, huh?

August 19th, 2010


What is it good for?


This episode has two major issues. First off, production was simply godawful this week. Maybe Zexcs is paying it forward for next week’s fight and subsequent Lyner explosions, but this was almost embarrassingly bad. Most of it was just talking heads or very long distance stills. There was even one point where Milan was talking without moving his lips. There wasn’t any real fighting either unless you count Milan popping a few nameless rebel nobles and one named traitor we have known for all of about 20 lines. The two most animated things were Noa trying to stab her minion and Eris prancing around. So much for war.

The second major problem is that the episode was basically just introduction for Noa, who is apparently going to be joining Sion’s manharem. They tried to cram hope, pathos, betrayal, etc into about 8 minutes for a character we have never seen before. It’s a step up from Sion’s usual battles against nameless nobles, but not much of one. It could have been a little more compelling if the battle wasn’t completely one sided, or her minions weren’t hopelessly moronic stereotypes… or if the whole thing wasn’t about as animated as a flipbook. At least next week’s preview was basically all action plus Lyner going crazy again. It’s been over a month. It’s about time he attempted to detonate some heads again.


Pinkies versus main characters.

Posted in Legend^2 | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • cross says:

    Ehh, more of the same, huh?

    I miss Mushiuta ._.

  • Syphor says:

    I was kind of busy the first time I watched this episode, so I didn’t really notice the production value. After I read your views on the episode I went back and watched it a second time, and wow, it really was lazy on Zexcs part. The series started a bit slow, got pretty awesome, and has kind of sunk back into a lull…

    Ebb and flow….Ebb and flow…

    I keep telling myself its only ~1/3 done and it can only pick up on the action from here out……Right???

  • Tsuki says:

    Well, from what I’ve heard from others that have read the source light novels, the anime is still kind of in the “prologue” stage of the overall story.

    If that’s really the case, I’m willing to bet that this show will get better. As of now though, it feels like it has slowed down significantly.

  • Jack Damn says:

    The political story is more annoying than interesting. I don’t mind good political intrigue, but the writing here is banal; trite at worse.

    We have two stories:

    1.) Plodding political manharem & typical inner circle betrayal wonkiness.

    2.) Two insanely powerful killers wandering & reduced to buffoonery, eating and junk collection.

    I think I’ll just skip over the political stuff and watch the two wandering killing buffoons. I’m sure they’ll find something, bring it back home and tie this whole mess together.