Mitsudomoe #09 — And Now For Something Completely Different

August 29th, 2010


I think the staff here got high and listened to classical this week.

The first two versions of Sekirei PE 9 I tried to watch self-destructed into codec errors about 14 minutes in, so I guess we’re going with Mitsudomoe first today.


Well, I’m glad that they only spent one of the six segments on the usual misunderstanding gags and played around witht he presentation by having one segment be essentially unvoiced and the ED Swan Lake, but unfortunately, none of it turned out particularly well. I’m sick of the super heroes = sex jokes, but they need to do more than just mix up the presentation a little bit while still relying on the same jokes ad nauseam. It didn’t really feel creative, so much as they realized that the segment had no meaningful lines so they stuck some classical music over it to try to be creative. There were a few good moments, but most was pretty blatantly telegraphed or not even a joke. Mitsuba goes to Yabe’s room, complains about there being no food, eats all of it. SEGMENT OVER. That’s the kind of ‘joke’ I expect to be done over the preview for the next episode, not as part of the actual episode.

Chiba was probably the top performer of the episode, particularly with his immediate toss of Mitsuba’s kiddy panties as soon as he got them. They could be doing a lot more with Satou too, even though a lot of his stuff seems pretty forced. Why exactly did he look like that if he was focused on his kite again? They never did say what exactly he was going to do with the kite once he got it. The whole Santa thing was also entirely too drawn out to be particularly funny. Make the joke and move on. Do not repeat the same joke eighteen times in a row, especially when it’s something as basic as "blinded person runs into an object.


Preview text goes here

Posted in Mitsudomoe | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kirby says:

    Haven’t posted much comments but this was a must. Ep really was weird most of the time. But the ice bowling was actually best scene I’ve seen in Mitsudomoe. Or at least in the top 3. And the cherry on top was the comment of Futaba in the school. Everyone who watched this knows what I mean XD

  • Anonymous says:

    This was fecking awesome.

    No more words.

  • Chen says:

    “Make the joke and move on.”

    Funny how SYD gets derided for doing this. There’s just no pleasing Aroduc.

    • Aroduc says:

      There’s plenty of wiggle room between smash cuts every 15 seconds and 2 minutes on a single joke.

  • ark noir says:

    Whose has the best revolving door at home?

    Yabe for grade school girls or Arthur.C.Clarke for Thai rent boys?

    You decide!

  • rufe says:

    I burst out laughing at the ED with Futaba’s ecstatic expression, Strauss, AND slow motion. I think the timing of the cut from the classroom scene to the ED was perfect.

    I have to say the santa scene really did drag on…

  • zalkor says:

    The silent part was amusing and touching, and Futaba on ice was hilarious.

  • Hexmage says:

    I loved how the only “dialogue” during the silent part was Mitsuba’s unintelligible bitching.

  • Dave Baranyi says:

    For the edification of most everyone (other than arc noir) the ending was an homage to the space shuttle scene in 2001…

  • BoozerX says:

    You dont get the show at all.
    The repetition and misunderstandings are the base of the show.
    The silent part was genius.