Student Council Officers #04 — “My Favorite CD”

July 24th, 2010


Couldn’t you at least call it "Tunes in the Key of Tsuda?"


The hardest kind of episode to write anything meaningful at all about; remarkably average overall, but completely all over the place with absolutely no central plot or direction. Switching gears to totally different situations every 45 seconds both hurts and helps. It’s the shotgun approach to comedy. They missed a lot more than they hit this week, but at least they didn’t dwell too long on any one bit. Suzu was nice and calm this week at least. Other than being a little embarrassed she seems to be taking things in stride, even accusations that it looked like she was giving Tsuda the old trip around her tonsils. The montage of the school with Tsuda’s light jazz and then the montage of city streets in the rain towards the end did a pretty decent job of nearly putting me back to sleep though.

I guess I enjoyed Shino’s birthday party the most out of the 15 some odd disparate segments. Tsuda gets no points for giving her "My Favorite CD" full of light jazz, and the teacher probably gets a restraining order for shelling out for a fancy dildo. I do hope the giant bondage teddy bear remains swinging in their council room for the remainder of the season. Otherwise… meh.  There were a few parts that made me chuckle, but overall just a very markedly average and forgettable episode. However, I do wonder how exactly Aria’s jacket is hiding those heaving throw pillows under her shirt, but like most things, I expect that the answer is just "poor art."


Magical girls, sexual harassment, and the pool.

Posted in Student Council | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • sage says:

    This show needs an urgent Key-kun injection.

  • Anonymous says:

    I seem to remember lots of these “extremely average” episodes back when you blogged about Princess Lover.

  • Yue says:

    Is Kaichou pregnant with Deer’s DNA?…….

  • Nanaya says:

    Everything seems bigger when you focus on it… kinda like a wide angle lens effect? Maybe that was what they were going for with the… *scrolls up* throw pillows.

    • Aroduc says:

      The more curious mystery is how or why the rest of her shirt started coming apart when only the top buttons were undone. Apparently those were load-bearing buttons.

      Or Aria is a bit tubby and hides it well under her jacket.

  • Aex says:

    This show… this show… it’s just too ridiculous! Shino and Aria are just insane, or maybe nymphos in the making. I love Shino’s stalker too.

    That last scene was perfect with the light! You knew that nothing romantic would come from them under an umbrella.