Student Council Officers #03 — When Animals Attack

July 17th, 2010


Get to work, Taka-nii.


A fairly average episode, which is always annoying to talk about. It did little in the way to do much other than fill time, without anything so great as to exalt or so bad as to mock. Well, there wass that girl in the pillow fight that was drawn so mannishly that it completely got in the way of the scene, but… eh. I did find the quasi-romantic bits with Suzu at the end rather awkward. The scene itself was okay, but since I highly doubt they’re going to actually go anywhere or change he attitude towards Takatoshi in the slightest, it feels very forced right now. Who knows, maybe they’ll build on it later, but I doubt it. I think the flags Shino raised with the deer will probably have a more lasting effect. I did like the little bit of Kotomi that we saw. She’s may or may not be blithely ignorant that she’s enslaved him. Either way is fine with me really. It certainly doesn’t make Mr. Doormat any more interesting though.

I guess this was mostly meant to be an introduction to the photography girl since she featured heavily throughout, but she’s nothing more than a pale lesbian Mutsurini knockoff without his burning passion for his work. The whole school trip could have been much more inspired or interesting as well. They seemed really focused on showing off lots of different places in Kyoto, but didn’t really make almost any jokes specific to them. They may as well have taken a trip to Vatican City. At least then they’d be able to tap the rich, untouched Japanese mine of pope jokes.


Aria gets some.

Posted in Student Council | 17 Comments »

17 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Chen says:

    I am suddenly reminded of the attack on Tsukasa in Lucky Star. Deers are nature’s evil.

  • Joule says:

    Deers: frightening creatures.

    Also Aroduc you going to follow Cat Shit One?

    • Aroduc says:

      Nah. Watched about 10 minutes and wasn’t really my thing. Nice camera work though.

      Also, I’m pretty sure the whole deer thing is because the Nara deer have become almost feral in recent years in their pursuit of deer crackers to the point of knocking people over and injuring a few kids. A few dozen generations of natural selection based around eating deer crackers will do that.

  • Anonymous says:

    I wish you would do Amagi SS 3rd episode. It is so awkward.

  • Aex says:

    Shino… what the hell… that girl had WAY too much fun. But damn, first the crane, then the deer. Animals love/hate this girl. I loved how her and Ara felt weird without a “straight-man” voice around though lol.

    Honestly I wouldn’t be all that surprised if they injected a touch of romance into this show. I doubt it’ll be anything big, but there’s room for something. Suzu’s the friggen chibi’s chibi though, so that’d be too weird… or maybe hilarious.

  • Yue says:

    KUROKO!!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! Geez, teleporting in every anime without Onee~sama’s consent. ~_~

  • Anise Punter says:

    That was the most enjoyable episode yet; the scene from which image 63 is taken probably did it for me.

  • sage says:

    Can’t you just rejoice in that this is the only chance you get to watch Aria every week?

  • Shiden says:

    No comment on the cluster F-bomb that Suzu unleashed on the gaijin?

  • Albedo says:

    Loved the english swearing from the loli. Made this episode special for me.

    • The Phantom says:

      WTF was that foreigner saying???? and the loli answered in english???? She did swear pretty well though lmao.

      • Solaris says:

        it was “pera – pera” with english accent (LOL). It should be an onomatopeia meaning blabbering something. (i summon the ‘Aroduc’ to cofirm this)

        • Aroduc says:

          Well, if you want to be technical, it’s a psychomime, not an onomatopoeia, but yeah. Used in that context, it’s the simulation of speaking. Essentially “Blah blah blah.”