Working!! #09 — Inami and Inami
May 30th, 2010
Because what this show needed was more Inamis.
My hatred of the dreaded Nosferatu of Fun more colloquially known as Inami Mahiru is already well documented, so I’ll try to keep the scathing hatred for an episode that was 22 straight minutes of Inami to reasonable levels. You would think that they’d at least use it as an excuse to give The Claw more screen time, but no. Instead, they decided to introduce her father, the one who trained and conditioned her to be like that… and who is the exact same goddamned character. Great. Because we didn’t need just one character sucking the fun out of the show. Let’s have two. One that punches people whenever they come near her, and another that sticks a replica sniper rifle in their face whenever they come near. Not even cross-dressing can save a double dose of Inami. Or a special ED montage of Inami. Ugh.
The real thing that I hate about Inami and her father though, if I may go off on a tangent, is that they don’t belong in this setting. They’re Moe and Curly crowbarred into what is otherwise presented as a perfectly normal world. Yamada’s exploits are presented as crazy. Yachiyo’s sword is presented as something as highly unusual. But then we’re supposed to completely forget that and accept Inami punching through walls and beating up men is just "something that happens." She belongs in some other slapstick show entirely, which just makes it all the more irritating whenever she takes the attention away from the other more amusing characters.
Nazuna joins the party.
Posted in Working!! | 19 Comments »
Nazuna? What? Awesome.