Working!! #09 — Inami and Inami

May 30th, 2010


Because what this show needed was more Inamis.


My hatred of the dreaded Nosferatu of Fun more colloquially known as Inami Mahiru is already well documented, so I’ll try to keep the scathing hatred for an episode that was 22 straight minutes of Inami to reasonable levels. You would think that they’d at least use it as an excuse to give The Claw more screen time, but no. Instead, they decided to introduce her father, the one who trained and conditioned her to be like that… and who is the exact same goddamned character. Great. Because we didn’t need just one character sucking the fun out of the show. Let’s have two. One that punches people whenever they come near her, and another that sticks a replica sniper rifle in their face whenever they come near. Not even cross-dressing can save a double dose of Inami. Or a special ED montage of Inami. Ugh.

The real thing that I hate about Inami and her father though, if I may go off on a tangent, is that they don’t belong in this setting. They’re Moe and Curly crowbarred into what is otherwise presented as a perfectly normal world. Yamada’s exploits are presented as crazy. Yachiyo’s sword is presented as something as highly unusual. But then we’re supposed to completely forget that and accept Inami punching through walls and beating up men is just "something that happens." She belongs in some other slapstick show entirely, which just makes it all the more irritating whenever she takes the attention away from the other more amusing characters.


Nazuna joins the party.

Posted in Working!! | 19 Comments »

19 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • TOP2NE1 says:

    Nazuna? What? Awesome.

  • Chen says:


  • Haesslich says:

    And… the trap episode shows up. And not only is he prettier than Inami (which is ironic given one of Jun Fukuyama’s last roles), but he’s got a bigger bust.

    Once you take a step on the Geass side, forever will it dominate your destiny, it appears.

    • Haesslich says:

      At least he did the honorable thing and drove the guy out of the show. That’s got to count for something, right?

    • Yue says:

      Hahahahahahaha! Thanks, that’s a good one. ^_^

  • Voodoomage says:

    Sorry guys, I completely love Inami, the daughter that is…. This whole anime so far has been a build up of the two of them and I for one love the bits of them overcoming their issues together.

  • Albedo says:

    I want MOAR Inami-chan~!
    More of the claw wouldn’t hurt either.

  • Inami says:

    I’d hit it.

  • Taka says:

    I concur <3 Inami

  • Lauren says:

    Inami needs to go die, or they could just bring the claw back.

  • Yue says:


  • Evan says:

    This show is so terribly written. Even an amateur like me could do better. I’m so sick of the repetitive jokes, and Inami. Honestly, if the show could take itself more seriously instead of being rock-effing-stupid all the time, it might have a chance to be really good. I was sort of hoping they’d take a serious route for why Inami was afraid of men. Sure, it’s be depressing and a bit cliche, but it would be a bit of a step in the right direction. Instead, they dropped the ball again.

    • Albedo says:

      If you want serious anime maybe you shouldn’t be looking in the comedy genre…

  • TOP2NE1 says:

    Ha, yeah. You’re looking for elements of a certain genre in the completely wrong show. It’d be one thing if a comedy sucked for failing on its humor.

    Try seinin or josei homie.

  • ark noir says:

    I’m certain now Inami is the new lelouch as she has the smarts and persona to fool people into thinking she something she’s not, like someone with androphobia. She had no problem fondling Kotori’s fake jack ‘n’ jill’s knowing what’s behind the disguise without the magic hand and practically having an orgasm over Kotori sticking up for her against her. No, i think she has a penchant for she-males rather than this fake man-hate.

    Kotori being blackmailed one step too far!
    Please be gentle onii-chan

  • edru says:

    im pretty sure nazuna is sort of jealous of inami liking souta in the preview
    and yay, soutaXinami is official now.

  • Aex says:

    Next time, the battle for the soul of Souta begins! Nazuna vs. Mahiru, FIGHT!!

  • […] though most of us felt that this was the best episode yet, Aroduc’s hatred of Mahiru remains […]