Overrun By Stray Cats! #04 — Huddled For Warmth

April 27th, 2010


If this is a turn for the glasses’ kid, I approve.


While this is following up Night Raid as being another completely unabashed space filler episode, at least the direction here was certainly… well… interesting. AIC’s directorial roulette wheel spun off into bizarre territories this week with not always particularly great results. Let’s start with the worst, the music. Holy crap. It’s a 15 second loop. Do not play it for five straight minutes. You are driving me insane. They also decided to go into the Family Guy sphere of humor and try to create a joke by stretching out something not funny at all for minutes at a time. The overdramatic minute and a half of slow motion to end the ping pong match was a little funnier, but that came only after staring at a couple different simple 15 frame loop for almost the same amount of time. It’s not the kind of humor usually seen coming out of Japan though. Different, certainly, but really not what I like.

For the most part though, and particularly in the second half when they found a second song on the playlist, it was a pretty funny little episode. Nozomi and the electric fan was definitely the highlight for me. I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to think of Kaho as of yet. She appears to be some other rich moutain girl that Chise knows, but other than hitting on Takumi, didn’t really do anything. Horie Yui, voice assassin, literally popped up out of nowhere again. I’m beginning to suspect that her character is never going to be anything more than that. The episode did have a lot of the energy and ambition that the first episode did though, so it was welcome to see them doing something other than just going through the motions, even if I don’t think a lot of the humor clicked with me this time around. Your mileage may vary.

Posted in Overrun | 18 Comments »

18 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • MisaoFan says:

    This is a hot spring episode !

    • Yue says:

      Haha! Very funny indeed. Using fanservice for instances of humor and moving the plot along hasn’t been working alot these days.

      Unlike some series that aims on the fanservice aspect itself. ^_~

  • Dual says:

    Oh god, Kaho is hot.

    • Fate says:

      Why do people think 2d characters are hot? I have never understood this. Not enough experience with real girls leads to love of hentai?

      • Yue says:

        Relax, it’s nothing to take seriously besides he’s right on the basis of descriptive observation.

        Scorn instead guys who marry their pillows and handheld games. ^^

      • Nanaya says:

        I got involved in a convo about this on irc a while ago, and this was the general consensus by the end: 2d characters’ (especially/mainly the females) body proportions are generally modeled after some ideal traits in real life. Except in this case, the artists are free to erase unwanted aspects and add in what they like more, so the outcome usually turns out to be a representation of an ideal physical state. On top of that, the human eye is seriously attracted to smooth-flowing curves, like the ones on breasts and thighs on a biological, hard-wired level (weird but true, about 60% of marketing is based on this). So meh. I don’t really care either way about this issue, personally :/

        Like Yue said, worry about the people who want social commitment to those characters.

  • rufe says:

    …is it just me or is they way they’ve drawn human bodies messed up?

    • marvelous stan says:

      Despite the superficially similar sounds, ‘anime’ and ‘anatomy’ have very little to do with each other.

  • Anise Punter says:

    Ugh, this was terrible. Fumino kinda may have those “ideal” traits of hair color and style, eye color, height, figure etc but it’s still what it is, and it definitely does not make Umenomori-service acceptable. Do people actually want to see that? Really?

    The electric fan, I lol’d.

  • Fate says:

    This was also the most random episode. What was up with that ping pong game?

    • Aex says:

      The writers died and they had a full minute left to fill. Only logical explanation for that atrocity.

  • bXr says:

    Anime is now officially dropped due to gay. Sticking with the superior manga from now on.

  • Aex says:

    Dumb episode. Really dumb. Severely dumb. If they ever do another episode like this, I’m killing the people responsible.

    Nozomi was the only girl that was even remotely decent here, at least she was a little worried about Takumi. You can tell Kaho is probably evil so she’s canceled out, and Chise and Fumino just abandon the guys. Fumino makes sense, we all know she’s worthless, but Chise brought them there to hang out with them! WTF is the point of abandoning them then?!?! The girls weren’t even doing anything interesting while the guys were lost!! So stupid from every perspective…

    I hope the fact that Kaho saved Takumi comes back to bite Fumino and Chise in the ass. I know it won’t, but I can dream…

    • Silver says:

      Really? Nozomi was still a little worried about Takumi? I thought none of them cared in this episode. This entire episode is a joke and I think the director for this episode intended to make it so. However, the reason we have this episode is specifically the reason for Chise’s actions (why she tries to be close to them) and of course the fanservice.

      • Aex says:

        We could’ve gotten the reasons for Chise’s actions in 5 minutes without a lame filler episode. Besides, the one she wants to be closest to is Takumi, and yet she still doesn’t care he’s gone! That’s the part that I couldn’t get over. If it was at least funny that would be one thing, but this was just… no. Just no.

        Nozomi was the one saving grace this episode had. That fan scene was adorable in all kinds of ways! XD

  • […] “For the most part though, and particularly in the second half when they found a second song on the playlist, it was a pretty funny little episode. Nozomi and the electric fan was definitely the highlight for me. I’m not really sure what we’re supposed to think of Kaho as of yet. She appears to be some other rich moutain girl that Chise knows, but other than hitting on Takumi, didn’t really do anything. Horie Yui, voice assassin, literally popped up out of nowhere again. I’m beginning to suspect that her character is never going to be anything more than that. The episode did have a lot of the energy and ambition that the first episode did though, so it was welcome to see them doing something other than just going through the motions, even if I don’t think a lot of the humor clicked with me this time around. Your mileage may vary.” – Tenka Seiha […]

  • queenie says:

    I was wondering if anyone else thought ‘Family Guy’ when the ping-pong table scene showed up. Guess I’m not alone. :)

    If only they cut bit of it then it would’ve been funnier…or less irritating if you wanna go that route.