Night Raid #04 — Fat Pussy Filler
April 26th, 2010
How’d we go from teleporting bombers to this?
First off, since a friend asked, yes, I did watch Magical Kaito about a week and a half ago when it aired. It was like the half-assed G-rated version of Mouse, only without as much intelligence and more of the typical Jumpish monologuing instead. Yeah, that’s right. Mouse required more braincells. That’s all I have to say about that. I thought I had mentioned that back when I watched it, but apparently not.
This was the most blatant and horrific kind of filler. After messing around with food for awhile, their important manpurse goes missing… stolen by a cat, which they spend the rest of the episode chasing around. Great work, Nigh Raid. You’re now somewhere between Code Geass’ cat hunt and Piccolo taking driving lessons on the scale of horrible blatant time filling. You have a bunch of psychics that can’t even catch a fat cat. Fuuran also spent entirely too much time shrieking with her terrible accent and slowly driving me insane.
I will say this… the entire episode, the same bad CG car kept driving past. I was continually in suspense… wondering if this was some kind of subtle foreshadowing or if it was just A-1 being lazy as hell and only having one CG car. Then, surprise of surprises, a second car with some yellow on it drove past. Then the original car drove past another two or three times before the yellow car appeared again. In the end, it turns out that A-1 really does only have one CG car that they can use, but when push comes to shove, they can splash a little bit of yellow on it.
That is the deepest thought that you can expect from the disaster that was this episode.
I’m selling these fine yellow hats…
Posted in Night Raid | 6 Comments »
That episode was the GREATEST filler episode of ANYTHING, EVER! Don’t you dare make fun of it!