Angel Beats! #05 — The Devil You Know
April 30th, 2010
Yuri, this was the worst bloody plan ever.
I’m glad that the direction is settling down a lot here. The first two thirds were still about 90% increasingly bizarre slapstick about distracting Tenshi so they can sabotage her tests, and featured entirely too much beefcake. That man has no nipples. It’s… terrifying. The last third had a concert shoehorned in for no reason again, but at least it feels like they’ve learned their lesson the last couple weeks when it comes to balancing the comedy and melodrama. This episode had the lightest touch of any so far when it came to the drama and didn’t rely on taking a time-out to flashback and spew it out. Hooray for subtlety. Sure, it’s the subtlety of a rhino in the middle of a hospital, but maybe it’s a rhino hospital. Okay, I think that analogy got away from me… and then robbed a liquor store.
I’m glad that Otonashi is finally trying to talk to Tenshi Tachibana Kanade and thinking about reaching out to her too. Stop drinking Yuri’s kool-ade already. She’s a mean, spiteful witch. Tachibana’s nice, mysteriously a foot shorter than she used to be, and not a mean, spiteful witch. Of course, since Yuri’s grand plan resulted in Tenshi being ousted and the gestapo taking over, there’s also a very good chance that they’ll beat us over the head with that before engaging in some even wackier plan to get the new school president kicked out once everybody learns to appreciate Tenshi… before going back to trying to kill her. But not threaten her student council position anymore, no siree.
The criminal part of this episode though, is that TK didn’t have a single line. What the hell, PAWorks, what the hell?
Posted in Angel Beats! | 27 Comments »
They’re totally just bullying Angel.
Goddamn Yurippe.