The Idiot, Tests, and Summoned Beasts #13 — Episode Does Not Exist

March 31st, 2010


Ugh. Why?


There’s really no two ways around it. This episode was just plain bad in just about every single sense of the word and easily the worst episode of this show. The production was especially horrible. They were reduced to stealing stills from the OP as well as multiple minute+ sequences of yet more stills with just the test questions popping up. Some of those were probably relatively funny, but hell if I know because they popped up for half a second before disappearing again. I’m not going to bloody pause the show just so I can see what the joke was. 

This was just a horrible horrible way for the show to end and I really don’t even want to sully the other 12 good episodes by dwelling on it.

Final thoughts at the bottom. Edit: Yes, I know that news of a ‘continuation’ is posted on the official site, but given the date and the fact that there was absolutely no indication of that in the episode, I have a hard time thinking it’s real.

VERY Brief Summary:

Unhappy with how things ended, Yoshii demands a rematch. To his surprise, Class A wants one too, but since the rules are absolute, they settle for a test showdown between Shouko and Yoshii, winner gets a request granted. First person to miss a question loses, but after a night of studying, Yoshii’s on kind of an idiot savant tear until he’s forced to break out one of his magical mecha pencils… which saves the day. Yuuji knows that Shouko threw the test though, so they have a nice little moment in the hall. Yoshii makes his request; to let Himeji retake the test so she can be in the right class. Himeji aces it, but shows up in F the next day because she erased her name off it after she finished. Yoshii gets pissed off and goes running off to complain about it, prompting the entire cast to call him an idiot.

Final Thoughts:

Final episode aside, this was a great series. I do wish that we had seen a lot more of the summoning battles, but it remained charming throughout anyway. I’m not certain how Silver Link managed to go from Tayutama to this, but hopefully they’ll be able to keep it up in the future. The biggest strength of the show is definitely the humor and the characters. There’s a huge cast, but they’re all unique, fun, and the melodrama is pretty much always played off for laughs. They all get along and look out for each other, even the most perverse and strange of the lot, so it’s hard to not like them. I think even the evil cheater was getting to be kind of fun once he was forced into and embraced his new life in a skirt.

By the same token though, Yoshii’s probably the show’s biggest weakness. In a diverse cast of energetic and funny characters, his main role is to stand around and go "Durrrrrrrr." He has his moments, but he’s definitely the weak link in the chain. The show could have also been a lot more evenly produced. Even again discounting the final episode, there were a few in the middle where things got… a bit visually rough at times. The story also felt a little undirected more than once, which often worked out fine because it had the chops to carry itself on humor alone, but like I said, I really enjoyed the battle bits of this and would have loved to see more of them.

Don’t let all that detract though. This is a fantastic 12 episode comedy full of wit and charm, plus one more unneeded melodramatic dumb episode as a stinger at the end that I’m perfectly happy recommending to just about anybody.

Posted in Bakatest | 16 Comments »

16 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Anonymous says:

    so… status quo ending

  • Anonymous says:

    random question but did they ever actually explain how yoshii knows hazuki? didnt they say they were putting that off for another time?

  • whoamI says:

    I cant wait for this to be dubbed it was so funny

  • Sebz says:

    Yeah, the storyline doesn’t seem like a great pic for last episode material.

    But don’t worry, a sequel’s already been announced!

  • Skew says:

    I had completely forgotten that Silver Link did Tayutama before you mentioned it. COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN.

  • cheese says:

    finally an actual good review on a series for once instead of bashing it down all the time

  • Yue says:

    This is a bad show that encourages students to get bad failing grades then work up trying to be the best in the campus.

    On the fun side, this is the season’s best comedy show and worth investing as a nice addition to my shelfspace. ^_^

  • Dude says:

    I absolutely love this 12 episode series !

  • Aex says:

    So in other words.. Episode 13 is a lie? XD

  • Anise Punter says:

    Episode 13 can’t not exist entirely; it had the epic Mussolini shuffle at the beginning. To be able to light yourself on fire through friction and then lose enough blood to put yourself out has to be one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen.

  • I haven’t watched it, but I bet I can explain the ending.

    It’s very simple: the source material (book? manga?) is still ongoing, so the TV series couldn’t change the continuity.

  • Celestial says:

    this show was f class

  • Psycho says:

    Sigh~spoiler. I’ve not waching the latest episode.