Chu-Bra!! #06 — Bette Davis Eyes
February 8th, 2010
Now if she’d only do something about that weird hair.
I’m actually a little disappointed in how plain this episode ended up being. Kiyono’s a tease, sure, but otherwise, she’s fairly normal and still bothered by pretty much the same things as the others. She’s just more aware that she’s a girl and is proud of her femininity. They’re apparently just presenting her as a counterpoint to Nayu, saying that underwear should be worn for the sake of other people (ie, the person you love) instead of Nayu’s ‘childish’ reason of protecting yourself. In functional terms though, it really just sort of means that she cares about panties while Nayu cares about bras. Underwear semantics fights are not quite as entertaining as you might think. Or perhaps they are.
I did find her docking Mizuno 30 ‘woman points’ for her fashion sense amusing at least. Smacking Yako around for backtalking her was also a highlight of the episode. In fact, I find myself amused whenever this show resorts to violence. I’m not sure what that says about either me or these characters. I’ve got to admit that the deconstruction of the bra was pretty interesting too, possibly because it looks like a spaceship when you take it apart… I wonder if all bras look like spaceships when you reduce them to their component elements… or perhaps now I’ll never be able to look at a TIE Fighter the same way ever again.
Sleep deprived? Me? Naaaaaah.
Summer time for Komachi.
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