The Idiot, Test, and Summoned Beasts #03 — The Gay Agenda

January 20th, 2010


I’m really starting to wonder here.


Kind of a slow and relatively eventless episode made slower by recycling the start of the episode with the part right after the CM. It was still fairly amusing, especially with Yoshii adding yet another person to his harem, plus him being introduced to the wide world of wearing frilly pink maid outfits. Between that, Hideyoshi, the lesbian stalker which provided the only real impetus for the episode and Yoshii’s head vibrating in whose-his-face’s crotch… I really am starting to wonder when Hapxier and George are going to show up.

Otherwise, there’s not really a ton to talk about. I’d be shocked if these character relationships actually went anywhere, but who knows. At least Yuuji’s woman knows to keep him in line with a taser. More anime relationships could use a taser as part of the equation. It was also kind of nice that they sort of worked in some strategy to the summoning battles this time around outside of "Biggest number wins!" by having Stalker target Kitehead so they’d both get carted off. I liked that part of the first episode’s class battle and the 5 on 5 last week was a little disappointing in comparison in that regard. The production remains closer to episode 2 instead of 1, even with the short/almost nonexistent summoning battle, albeit with the recycled stuff.

And what in the nine hells does "You see tears of the cow" mean?


Posted in Bakatest | 12 Comments »

12 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Yue says:

    For a while, i thought this is a Max Payne movie starring Sandra Bullock. ^^

    You don’t know how lucky you are punk! [i think there such solid guys who can’t breathe or think properly whenever a pretty girl is far too close]

  • Anonymous says:

    Disappointed it’s still not as great as episode one, but most anime budget their shows with episode 1 full of pizazz, so I guess it’s not too surprising.

  • Anise Punter says:

    Shouko is totally insane. I definitely didn’t see that coming.

    Maid Hideyoshi = Fail. That is all.

  • Gin says:

    Why are the girls a little too happy to see their man in a maid outfit?

    • Aroduc says:

      Anime teaches us that all Japanese girls are actually lesbians, they just don’t know it yet.

  • thomassmash says:

    Let me explain that:

    America= full of homophobic people/people that are secretly turned on by homosexual scenes, so most people don’t want to even grasp the concept

    Japan= why just realize that people can be homosexual so they just keep milking that with girls(yuri) and guys(yaoi, BL), that’s why in japan guys are way more femenine(I ‘m not saying that it’s something bad, I can even say that in japan homosexual people aren’t tortured to dead because they are born the way they are unlike some horrible and narrow thinking country I know *coug* AMERICA *cough*).

    • marvelous stan says:

      I read this great rant once about how dumbass American anime fans think Japan is some mecca for gays because they don’t realize how conservative Japanese society is. Too bad I don’t remember where.

  • thomassmash says:

    1)I’m not american
    2)I’m not saying that is gays heaven, I’m just stating the thruth about how the Common American hates different people (black skinned, gay, asiatic, etc) and mostly gay and black people becuase the only words they always say are:

    so tell me isn’t it true?

    and I heard your mom calling for dinner(don’t call people dumbass when they state their oppinios, dumbass)

    • marvelous stan says:

      So you’re speaking from a position of ignorance on both countries instead of just one. Stunning.

      I haven’t heard anything like that since I completed my compulsory education. And as an aside, crude stereotypes are crude stereotypes. The only thing that separates you from the racists and homophobes is the particular worldview you ignore reality to support. The mentality is the same.

      • thomassmash says:

        Why is it that you want so badly to tell me that America isn’t a country were homosexual people don’t suffer, even if in japan they suffer more, you can’t tell me that in america they don’t.
        oh? so I harm poeple like a racist and a homophobic because I’m stating something?

  • rufe says:

    Ancient Japan’s view on homosexuality was similar to classical antiquity. Age/social status structured relationships and a weird perception of what is homosexuality.

    Of course, if you’ve studied Japanese art you’ve probably seen the ukiyo-e of a courtesan and kagema stealing a kiss. Note that Kagema existed until less than 200 years ago.

    In contrast the US has strong puritan influences in our culture (despite how disgusting some of us can act). Christianity takes a much stronger stance against homosexuality than Shinto and Buddhism or the Chinese ideas that flowed into Japan.

    On the other hand homosexuality in modern Japan can be portrayed as (funny) weird or bizarre (eg. hard gay)and there’s not the same push in the political world for gay rights like there is in the US. Basically some things are better and some things are worse just like you’d expect.

    Anyway a joke about homosexuality in a cartoon shouldn’t be what you base your ideas about a culture on. If we looked at the opening scene of Borat you’d make a very strange judgment of American culture and our view of homosexuality. (In an unrelated aside many gay people I know were much less offended by that opening than the straight, self-righteous people I know.)

  • kazekaeru says:

    Good ep.I lol’ed so hard at both the Azumanga Daioh and Dragon Ball references…that was great