Guardian Charm Himari #03 — Be Our Guest
January 20th, 2010
Class has drained away my ability to think up a witty title.
One thing I’ve still got to compliment this show on is that it really is moving right along. Again, either of these two parts could have been stretched to their own episode without any problem. Shizuku forces herself into Yuuto’s household harem and then they go ahead and pick up the teacup waitress Lizlet too. That means that we’re now up to two inanimate object characters; Yuuto the doormat, and a maid that’s actually a teacup. Nothing too interesting in the fight scene this week either. ZEXCS could be doing so much better, but at least it’s not really painful to watch either. Call it a packet of cheetohs in the action anime world.
Shizuku is ending up a bit more entertaining than I expected her to be, mostly because she can effectively tease Himari without being as intensely irritating as Rinko. The giant snake tongue and resistance to being cut in half just add to it. I’m also a fan of how they spent maybe 30 seconds on her generic "your ancestors killed my centuries old human eating family" angsty backstory too. As does any and all screen time taken away from Rinko. Lizlet is less amusing, but again… the more screentime taken away from Rinko, the better.
Posted in Himari | 6 Comments »
Teacup. T-cup. Get it???
Man, I’m awful.