January 25th, 2010


Just one of those days.


At this point, I think I’m mainly watching this show because the OP makes me smile. I’m weak against countermelodies. Well, that and the fact that it really has yet to disappoint my rather low expectations for it, unlike other shows I could name. Sometimes the status quo is a-okay.

I’ve got to admit that I really liked both Komachi and Amahara (the other long haired girl) this week though. Komachi makes a good foil against Nayu’s dumbness and I think it would actually work out pretty well if he had a more central role, if for no other reason than it amuses me to see him run off in tears at the sight of a Nayu groping Tamaki. Plus the whole beating her with a shoe thing. You can never have too much shoe related violence. Kiyono only had one line, but "Oh? That’s underwear for having sex in, are you sure you’re an underwear expert?" is a perfectly suitable first introduction. I hope she doesn’t end up being some Kononoe Rin knock off, but since she seemed more obsessed with Komachi last week, I don’t think that’s too big of a danger. I assume she’s just going to be of the "underwear is supposed to be sexy" variety… or maybe a teenaged prostitute. Or both!

It was a little disappointing that they sort of recycled Haruka’s insecurities about the size of her breasts again, but blah blah blah, power of friendship conquers teenage girl insecurities until Komachi gets into a fight to protect the fitting demo from the perverts and scaring off all the girls. Again, Komachi really does deserve more screen time. Everybody else outside of Nayu is totally passive and are pretty much just there to give her different body types to grope. Actually, I kind of like all of the named guys in this show, even the bald middle aged teacher. It’s kind of amusing how little any of them care about underwear given… well… every single thing about this show.


Nayu notices boys.

Posted in Chu-Bra!! | 10 Comments »

10 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Landon says:

    I clicked on the link to this post and saw nothing to do with Khorne. I want my money back.

    And here I was thinking Chu-Bra! was having a Warhammer crossover or something. I’d watch that, although I’d expect Slaanesh to appaer rather than Khorne.

    • Aroduc says:

      Nah. I just spent most of class looking up random old WH4K stuff and have had the phrase stuck in my head all day.

    • Haesslich says:

      This is too sweet for Slannesh, but is about as twisted as necessary to summon Tzeentch. But it could provoke someone into the worship of Khorne through a bloody massare. :D

      • Myssa Rei says:

        In my experience boredom does not a Khornate make, nor mere parades of flesh a Slaanesh worshipper… But all that idle time gives Tzeentch a heck of a lot of material to work with.


  • Fate says:

    The wh4k series has the craziest atmosphere and story of all time.

    “The closest thing to the good guys you can find in this setting is a tiny alien empire sandwiched between all the other factions, and they may or may not have a thing for forcing new subjects into their empire through orbital bombardment, sterilization, and concentration camps, but they will at least offer you admittance to their club.”

    • Haesslich says:

      So will the Imperium, as long as you’re human and are willing to worship the God-Emperor who sacrificed his freedom to stand at the Eternity Gate for all eternity. And the Tau will offer admittance, as long as you follow the Greater Good. And are willing to be culled occasionally, of course.

    • Myssa Rei says:

      Nonsense Haess, there is only the Imperium. ;) The rest are heathen that must be cleansed, by holy Bolter and sacred Promethium.


      • Haesslich says:

        Ah, but he’s not specified if he’s human or not, so…

        Also, The HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!! belongs elsewhere, not here. You’d be better to invoke the name of Lucius the Eternal if we’re talking about Khornates.

        Or, as some people like to call him, “Luscious”

        And a more appropriate retort here is ‘Well, he’s not getting mine!’ *THWACK*

  • The Phantom says:

    LOL, looking for excuses? the opening is good? just say you like the show and wanna watch for the heck of it no matter HOW ABSOLUTELY LAME it really is, no seriously WTF? even Durarara!! is better than this, give it a try if you are so bored to watch this, you may like it at least the undressing punch in episode 3 was good, and I know is a bit late but cross game is also good even though you dropped it on episode 1 (imo best show aired atm) and heck even inuyasha is better than this.

    • Nanaya says:

      Am I the only person who felt winded after mentally reading this? Good lord man, punctuation and capitalization, please.