Gensoukyou’s Mysterious Village
December 19th, 2009
I think I’ll just start going through all my assorted shelved doujin news a little bit at a time to stretch it out instead of just one big C77 post. It’ll give me something (else) to do over the break to break up the tedium of my family slowly driving me crazy. Anyway, first up is one of the games I’m most looking forward to for the upcoming Comiket, a rougelike from Aquastyle. It’s interesting that Aquastyle would make a game like this instead of an SRW styled game given all their previous work, but I like rougelikes too, so I’m not complaining. Touhou’s certainly already a series filled with enough player death anyway. What’s a few thousand more lives lost?
Posted in Touhou | 2 Comments »
the game-play is actually alot like the pokemon mystery dungeon games~