C77 – A Certain Railgun’s Panties Trial

December 31st, 2009

The first thing I did when I saw that Werk was using the same format for this as BMW was open the files with the same tools, and be happy that they still work. Then I poked around for something to translate so that I could set some kind of record. Once that disappointing quest was over, I actually tried playing the ‘game.’ Well… it ain’t no Megamari nor RKS. Maybe when the full version’s out, I can evolve to Super Translator IV.

And yes, it does run a lot smoother than that when I’m not forcing my laptop to record at the same time.

Posted in Railgun's Panties | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Fate says:

    Hmmm. Yes, that is all I can really think of to say in regards to this.

  • Celestial says:

    yru sobad @ this gamu

  • Harbin says:

    So surprised that Saten’s attack wasn’t flipping biribiri’s skirt up

  • Koeix says:

    just a suggestion Aroduc
    but u reckon if u can make a top 10 list of worst anime of 2009? itll b hilarious with wat u say

    • Aroduc says:

      I don’t do like ranking things like that. And I’m not sure how I’d do a “worst of” list since I don’t watch beyond an episode of things I truly despise.

  • arrr says:

    Comiket games now feel so lacking. Now that I think about it, did the full version of Spanner ever come out?

  • Fate says:

    Please review DURADURA this season as it is the only show I am at all interested in. Also, can you post a winter schedule sometime?

  • Yue says:


  • Moogy says:

    Wait, why is Mikoto’s name in western order and Saten’s name in Japanese order ಠ_ಠ

  • Fate, Aroduc usually posts a weekly schedule after the first week is over.

    In the mean time, here: