11eyes #11 — Whore of Babylon

December 15th, 2009


Damn. I like it when people die. Especially when it’s Kakeru.


You know, I was mostly digging this episode until the ending. I guess it’s better to get it out of the way this week than next, but if a significant chunk of this episode just turns out to be something Kakeru saw with my magic eye, then I’m probably going to be quite annoyed. He doesn’t have the glowing golden eye in the shot, but I’m not entirely certain what powers he’s supposed to have left after being killed and eaten by Yuka/Lis. God help us all if he pulls out some BS "my will was STRONG" nonsense.

The action was as pathetic as usual, as were the cuts away from giant dragons fighting witches to watch Misuzu angst it up. I found it particularly amusing when Kukuri reappeared and Shiori pointed out that she was Abaraxas and then we never saw her again. What the hell was that all about? Yes, Misuzu and Kakeru do have sex. Not some fade to black, but full on laying on top of each other and shots of Misuzu writhing around. I’m assuming that it’s due to Kakeru’s awkward fumbling inability to please a woman. And sadly, that’ll probably be the most notable thing about this show in the end.


Yes, this was next week’s preview.

Posted in 11Eyes | 21 Comments »

21 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Jenanime says:

    Whuh?! What?!!! Can I haz giant red reset button nao?

  • rozen123 says:

    hahaha! Kakeru, you bum. You deserved that death for what you did to Yuka. >:)

    • chad001 says:

      God help me, the world is ending if people actually think Kakeru’s the one at fault in this relationship… she fuckin’ crazy, and most likely the reason he had sex with Misuzu was to get stronger, as absurb as that sounds. Hey, it worked with Shiori…

      • Reiji says:

        yes sex gives you superpowers you have to be a fool not to know that *rolls his eyes*

        Yuka pops up and Kakeru completely ignores Misuzu and goes “thank god yuka I was so worried(and all that crap)” trampling Misuzu feelings is he not an ass?

  • Anonymous says:


  • Tyranoid says:

    “Nice boat” is a meme referring to what television stations in Japan replaced the final broadcast episode of School Days with. Read about it here:


  • Phocus says:

    I was so sure that I was going to drop this series.

    But now, I definitely need to catch up.

  • NeverTipsy says:

    I’ve been lurkin sometime here readin your blog, and I do have to admit, your blog entry titles are always fun to read.

  • The Phantom says:

    It was about time!, that clingy crazy girl yuka got what she deserved, and why are you guys making a fuss over sex, everybody has sex, your mother your father your grandma your cousin, is a normal part of our lives. Kakeru x Misuzu FTW!

  • luka says:

    yes But in anime this is rare(not hentai)

  • DoubleA says:

    At least Kakeru did not die as virgin :)

  • AGear2Ax says:

    The smell of a Deus Ex Machina…

  • wilson191 says:

    At last Kakeru lives up to his potential…lol
    Crazy Yuka is dangerous…

  • thehalfblindhispanic says:

    FINALLY yuka gets removed for the majority of the episode shes phsycotic and obssesive im glad kakeru got in the sack with misuzu they make a MUCH better couple personally i belive this anime would have more of a flare if the love interest was in misuzu and not yuka i mean every one knows she’s a nutcase. I agree with the phantom Kakeru x Misuzu ALL THE WAY.

  • Tensho says:

    Aroduc, do you know that “Whore of Babylon” is actually one of the official names of Liz’s in the game?

    • Aroduc says:

      I assumed. It makes a lot more allegorical sense than the “Witch of Babylon.”

      • Tensho says:

        According to wiki Japan and in the game, all her official nicks are:
        「姦淫(ルクスリア)の魔女」Witch of Luxuria (lust)
        「バビロンの魔女」Witch of Babylon
        「バビロンの大淫婦」”WHORE OF BABYLON”
        「炎の魔女」Witch of Flame

  • Fate says:

    I think Yuka’s line at the end of the episode should have ended the series “and the two of them lived happily ever after”.


    This show’s pacing sucks balls.

  • 11Cross says:

    Bow chicka WOW WOW he hit that omfg I was so happy they had sex. But, I wish he would have said “i love you too” or “I love you miszu” or sumthin.

    • darkangel says:

      I know i did too but kakeru didn’t love misuzu he loved yuka….i man when yuka popped up he forgot that misuzu was even there that pretty much showa he didn’t care for her even though they hooked up… i mean evry time yuka came up it was like no one else mattered to him