Hekiyoh’s Student Council #08 — Child’s Play
November 20th, 2009
How did Elis end up being the most likeable girl this week?
Really not a particularly good episode, and easily the worst so far in my opinion. Amazingly, the problem wasn’t with Elis, Lilicia’s younger sister sent to spy on Ken by Lilicia, but with every other girl. Elis was actually pretty amusing on her own, and I was half expecting her to turn out to be a lot older given how many… uh… adult things she had picked up and was using to play with Ken in the first half. Apparently she’s just a precocious child heavily influenced by Lilicia’s tabloid nature. Her Shiritori was especially frightening, as was her like for playing house with domestic violence added right in. Ken was getting along with her just fine too and didn’t even instigate anything untoward at all and even usually resisted when Elis started going off on weird tangents.
The problem came with the rest of the cast. From the very start, they spent pretty much the entire episode crapping on Ken for no particular reason. Elis didn’t even start anything with any of them like you’d expect from the situation. Hell, she didn’t even talk to anybody aside from Ken and Sakurano, and ended up liking Ken. Everybody else just seemed to completely lose their senses of humor and any understanding of how to act around kids this week. I get the lolicon joke at the start, but everything after that was just being whiny little brats for no reason. Sakurano was especially awful this week, actually picking a fight with Elis and then going on a long and boring tirade about how every part of her body was awesome (President Nose, President Mouth, President Cheek, President Hips, etc). That made the obligatory shoehorned in ‘touching moment"tm all the more painful. Elis asked Ken to marry her, and he told her to wait until she grows up and becomes beautiful, which pissed Sakurano off and then when Ken made up with her, the rest of the girls got pissy about it.
Seriously, this was perhaps the first week where Ken behaved like a perfect gentleman for almost the entire time, and they spent the whole thing pissed off about it. What the hell?
Chizuru episode.
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The Start of the Elis Route.