A Certain Scientific Railgun #08 — Power Levels

November 20th, 2009


What a twist!


Another extremely dull episode where they spent about 75% of it wondering about power levels and Level Upper, followed by the TOTALLY UNFORESEEN reveal that it’s a song at the end. I never would have guessed that it had anything to do with the headphones that they highlighted around 17 times last week. No, sir. This caught me completely by surprise. The remaining 25% was dedicated to Uiharu looking sick, Mikoto pretending to be a grade schooler, and a really pathetic fight between Mikoto and a geomancer. Seriously, after her initial "I’m going to make you fall over" attack, the road warrior pretty much just gave up. Great offensive use of your powers there.

I’m really ready for this show to have an antagonist now. Or an actual plot arc. Hell, some concrete direction would be nice. So long as they start actively doing something instead of standing around wondering about it.


More generic punks to beat up? Oh boy!

Posted in Railgun | 15 Comments »

15 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kode-Dekka says:

    Worry not, the next episode is kinda important.

  • Ragnarok164 says:

    What the hell. Touma was suppose to show up again here in the manga, right?

  • DmonHiro says:

    “More generic punks to beat up? Oh boy!” nope. This battle should be awesome, just like in the manga. This is most likely the FIRST real battle of this series.

  • Shinji103 says:

    Hopefully the reason Touma isn’t here is because JC Staff is trying to fix the retcon in the Railgun manga.

    In the Index anime made by JC Staff, the family restaurant scene with Touma shows Touma trying to save the delinquents from Mikoto, and there wasn’t any “sweet girl” stuff from Mikoto or anything. So basically, the Railgun manga retconned that scene.

    I’m hoping that this just means that JC Staff is trying to seperate this “moe girl” scene from the Touma scene, thereby not doing the retcon of their own Index anime themselves.

  • karry says:

    “I’m really ready for this show to have an antagonist now. Or an actual plot arc. ”

    Are you sure ? I caved in and browsed through the translated manga…Railgun’s “plot” is even crappier than Index’s while not as varied. From the plot side of things, i dont see why Railgun would interest anyone. Heck, Naruto had fillers with better stories than this garbage. Only things Railgun has are character designs and their relationships, so just enjoy that, and forget about making any sense of it in the long run.

  • Nanaya says:

    How many episodes is this? I hope it’s more than 12, because I didnt really like the whole ‘Level Upper’ arc, but am seriously enjoying the Misaka arc that the scanlations are currently at. It’s a *lot* more interesting if you ask me.

  • ..... says:

    lol I’m still waiting for accelerator to show up

    • Yue says:

      On a related premise, is Accelerator still at top level 5 range?

      With his abilities nerfed to an extent he’s showing skin color and hair darkening due to melanin. He’s more human now.

      Doesn’t this mean that Misaka [3rd strongest] is bumped up to the number two spot of Academy City’s strongest espers?

      Can they at least add martial arts to the schools’ curriculum? Just a suggestion to make Touma or Accelerator better in streetfighting. ^_^

      • Nanaya says:

        From what I’ve heard about the novels or read from what little amount is tl’d from the later ones, Accelerator is still really damn powerful, just now with a few limitations like a time limit and lower mental processing capacities (as opposed to his previous perma-god-mode).

        Apparently he also finds a new usage for his powers later and has it in him to be the last boss or something.

  • blax3 says:

    lol JC Stuff is losing their quality.
    Look at Kuroko’s legs/

  • Celestial says:



  • Lero says:

    No Accelerator is not a big boss, actually thanks to him in the novels the science side have a lead character. And Yeah who in the world can longer at least 15 second against him? XD

  • Shinji103 says:

    “More generic punks to beat up? Oh boy!”

    Actually, provided the anime doesn’t totally change its version (and the preview scenes look promising in this regard), the next episode’s fight will be a pretty nice fight scene really, and is the chapter I was speaking of looking forward to before. :)

  • Anonymous says:

    The episode is likely interesting. The episode ends up with a song. Can anybody figure it out how many episodes are there in total. The pics shown here are excellent.

  • yuuji says:

    its 26 or so