A Certain Scientific Railgun #07 — Subtlety
November 13th, 2009
Seriously. I’m not sure they could have been more obvious about the whole iPod/headphones thing unless they had a giant blinking sign pointing to it in every shot. HEY GUYS! THIS MIGHT BE IMPORTANT! LET’S SHOW A CLOSE-UP OF IT EVERY TWENTY SECONDS. In a way, that’s all that really saved this non-arc from being a total washout though. At least there’s the clue of something else going on behind the scenes instead of just the whiny one-shot mad bomber ranting about not being strong enough. Okay, so they brought up Level-Upper again briefly, but that still doesn’t change the fact that about a third of this episode was about shopping for pajamas.
At least Touma showed up again, which is always welcome, although it was a taaaaaad bit creepy for him to be wandering around with some strange little girl in a mall seemingly consisting of 95% women’s underwear stores. Mikoto was especially worthless this week as well, actually dropping the coin she was going to use to shoot the explosion. Not that I want to get into a discussion of physics here, but what exactly was that going to accomplish anyway? Throw the explosion out into the street that you’ve just filled with people? I don’t think that’s a great idea. Then again, Mikoto technically is a public menace anyway, after frying at least a few city blocks.
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Neko Miko!