Hekiyoh’s Student Council #03 — Your Cheating Heart
October 16th, 2009
Fate? Is that you?
This episode confirmed one thing beyond the shadow of a doubt; the show can barely function without Ken. Chizuru and Mafuyu can breath at least a little bit of life and humor into things, but without his bizarre antics, most of the rest just drags. I’m just glad that Noto only sort of half-used her breathy, chirpy voice with that irritating sing-song inflection at the end of every sentence. It was better than I was expecting out of her, but I certainly wouldn’t miss her character in the slightest if we never saw her again.
So overall, a pretty weak episode without too much in the way of humor or development. Certain segments, especially Lilicia’s interviews with Sakurano and Minatsu were particularly dull, and the entire last bit with Ken admitting that he’s cheated on girls in the past… but apparently the girls’ happiness is all that really matters. I can at least understand the council suddenly getting annoyed at him, even though it’s just the enactment of things he’s already claimed to want to do anyway. At least he looked Sakurano in the eye and said the truth flat out and said that he’s not going to make an excuse for it. At the very least, he’s aware that he screwed up and at least seems more mature about it now, valuing happiness over… whatever. Even so, I wasn’t really a fan of Lilicia being convinced afterward to change her mind about Ken because he just switched from saying that joining the student council was to get a harem to joining was his dream.
Brief Summary:
School journalist Lilicia really dislikes the council and warngles an interview with each of them. She talks about generally random things with each one (Minatsu rambles on about anime adaptations for example, while Chizuru terrorizes her) until it’s Ken’s turn. He goes off into his normal rantings about his desire for a harem until she brings up that he’s been unfaithful in the past. He doesn’t deny it at all. After Lilicia leaves, Sakurano confronts Ken about it, and he says that it’s really the truth. She asks him if the two girls are happy now, and after a long pause, he says "yes," so the council goes back to their normal business.
Lilicia puts up a new poster slamming Ken, but he doesn’t really mind it and stops himself from telling her that he wanted to be in the student council for the harem and instead says that it was always his dream. The rest of the council doesn’t care much about the poster either, so Lilicia takes it down just before Sakurano comes out to argue with her.
Ah, this is more like it. Except for that damn guitar.
Posted in Hekiyoh's Student Council | 9 Comments »
Haven’t seen the episode yet but if you mean the intrument you are showing in the preveiw…. That’s a bass. (bass guitar if you wanna get technical about it but.) either way they are more often then not refered to as bass.