A Certain Scientific Railgun #05 — Killer Lolis
October 30th, 2009
Well, lolier.
Oh goodie, another buddy argument episode. This is the second one I’ve seen in the last 24 hours and the second time that Railgun’s abused one half of a pair forgetting something to make the other half spazz out. At least we differentiated ourselves from the other one by sticking the resolution in a flashback that consumed half the episode. At least the flashback was decent in and of itself, aside from some of the more insane bits of a guy holding an entire bank hostage at knife point, or a 60 pound girl being able to completely KO a grown man with a blow to the stomach. Not to mention the crazy esper who broke into a bank and then never tried to get any money and instead started arguing with aforementioned 60 pound random girl.
Don’t let the sarcasm get you too down though. It was still a much better episode than the first three, just nowhere near last week’s. Plus, there’s just something about being told from the start how things end that always gets my bile churning, and two of these kind of cliche episodes in two days is a bit much. I don’t even want to talk about them happily running off into the sunset together at the end either. Cliches are not a checklist. Stop trying to hit all of them, dammit.
Very Brief Summary:
After Kuroko rushes into a situation and gets herself coldcocked and Uiharu tased, the two get into an argument and both start sulking about it, Uiharu because Kuroko forgot the promise they made. Flashback a few years and the two of them are in a bank when it’s stuck up. Despite being warned to stay out of it, Kuroko attacks the gunman, only to find out he has an accomplice who holds Uihara hostage. Kuroko’s boss is badly injured when she has to protect Kuroko from rushing in again. The guy beats up Kuroko a little bit until she manages to grab Uiharu’s ankle and teleport her to safety. The guy reveals that he’s an esper too who can putz with the inertia of objects (he throws lead balls which float slowly but have huge force) and taunts Kuroko a bit while conveniently destroying the shutter to the outside world so everybody else can see what’s going on. Great plan. She finally pulls herself up, but he throws a ton of balls at once. They’re wiped out by an electrical bolt and Kuroko tackles the guy and threatens to teleport his head off. Maybe. Uiharu and Kuroko get together and promise to become the Japanese Super Friends. Back in the present, they make up. Yaa-hoo.
Sad little girls in fountains.
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