A Certain Scientific Railgun #04 — Imagine Breaker
October 23rd, 2009
Thank you for providing some actual action, Touma.
You know, I get done with class and think to myself "time to watch me some anime!" and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, that works out great. On Friday, however, the only thing that’s ever waiting for me is Railgun, and it’ll be at least an hour before Ken shows up. Thus we find ourselves here once again. At least it makes Hekiyoh taste all the sweeter.
Okay, so today I had a prelim and got out of class early and watched an episode of Japanese South Park as well. My point still stands.
The point that this episode got across to me is that the creators realized that they were light on certain brands of pandering, so introduced a new character who is prone to stripping in public and calls Mikoto a tsundere. Oh boy! Boobs! Whoopie doo! And public nudity! And just in case you have the craving for it, let’s take off her skirt and stick her on the toilet too. FANTASTIC. I always hoped that this show would have some overtures of defecation.
However, this was easily the most enjoyable episode of Railgun to date for me and reaffirms my belief that for however irritating he is, Touma’s needed. Accelerator would probably work too though. Just… someone who’s willing and able to stand up against Mikoto and not have it be a huge joke. The rest of the Scooby Gang can only hope to win on good feelings, and since Totali’s long since checked out, the power of love remains nothing but a slightly irritating Huey Lewis song. Seriously, you can just watch the clip below (and the other part where Touma shows up) and you’ll catch about the only thing in this episode that wasn’t physically exhausting to endure.
Oh boy! An Uihara episode! Fan-tastic.
Posted in Railgun | 22 Comments »
…I can never take Uihara seriously because of that retarded as hell flower headband thing.